Superhero Twist

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It's been nights since I've heard from her, from that wretched colorful outfit and her mindless petty party tricks. What a sorry excuse for a superhero. Not very 'super' if you ask me.

Why am I even thinking about her right now? Do I miss beating her all the time? Do I miss her magical wand that always takes me to my happy place? Do I miss her trying to put me to sleep with her sleeping dust? Do I miss her being chased by a cat all night long? Or do I miss her in general?

Do I really miss her?

"No. Can't be" I murmured under my breath as I tiptoed myself into another child's bedroom for the fifth time tonight.

I made my way through the garbage maze and before you know it, I was in front of the bed.

Why do kids always leave their room very messy? There hasn't been one kid in my entire super villain career that had a spotless bedroom floor.

Now comes the fun part. I used my grappling hook to hoist myself up, near at the kid's pillow. I can hear her breathe, smells like candy and no minty toothpaste.

"That's right little girly, eat more candy and don't brush your teeth" I spoke quietly as I went through under her pillow. After a few seconds of searching, I finally found my prize. I gave her my present, as I did to the others – a big chunk of coal.

I hurriedly went out of the pillow, grapple myself to the kid's door, retraced my steps then made my way home. This kid's home was the ugliest one I've seen tonight, but the easiest one to break into. They don't have a dog, or a cat. I hope she loses another one soon.

I sat on my evil chair in my evil lair and looked at my bag with five teeth from five different children. "More teeth for my precious" I hum to myself.

Before I could do anything to the teeth my phone rang.


"Hey Jimmy, its Carol. I need your help"

"Help? What kind of help?"

"Meet me at the back yard"


She hung up before I could finish. Meet her at the back yard? What for? Couldn't she just say it through the phone or something? I changed my clothes, then got out of my evil lair and went to the back yard of our house.

"Carol, what's up?" I asked. She was already at the fence, waiting for me I presume. She looks odd, anxious, like she's hiding something.

Carol's my best friend ever since I can remember, the only friend I have actually. We'd sit at her swings for hours and play all day long. Our parents both thought that we'd end up together, but somehow, we never clicked that way.

"I need help" She spoke softly, I see her tense a little. Strange.

"Yeah, we've established that" I half smiled at her.

"I have a case that I can't break"

I snorted. "A case Carol? What are you, a detective now?" I laughed at her dilemma, which I deeply regret.

A bright light suddenly surrounded her, and poof. She magically changed clothes, to this familiar foe I haven't seen in a while. She wore this bright colorful ugly dress, that dreadful stupid big flappy wings and that stupid magic star wand.

She's a tooth fairy?

My jaw dropped for a moment. Then I regained my posture as she effortlessly fluttered two feet above the ground. My heart became heavy for some unknown reason, then it filled me with anger. All this time, my arch nemesis was just right next door.

Who knew?

"I'm a tooth fairy Jimmy, but I can't do my job with this hooligan on the loose. I know this is too much to process but-"

"No." I spoke coldly.

"What? What do you mean no?" She asked confused, as she flew over the fence and into my back yard.

I put my left hand at the back where I always put my stun ray gun. I grabbed a hold of it firmly and spoke "Because I'm the tooth napper!".

I shot the tooth fairy on the head, she crashed down, still in fairy form. I looked at her. "So weak, so defenseless, so vulnerable, and very much grounded from now on." I spoke at the sleeping tooth fairy. I took a knife from the kitchen and cut off her wings. They turned into dust as soon as I cut them apart.

I took a handful of her memory dust and sprinkled it all over her. "One less tooth fairy to worry about" I said to the now sleeping Carol.

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