The Life

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What's your ideal lifestyle?

Something you know for yourself as achievable?

What kind of life do you want for yourself that's ideal and yet realistic at the same time?

I wanted to be a youtuber these past few days, yet I also want my writing skills to be honed and maybe, if it's in God's will, get published.

It doesn't have to be a full out novel, but rather a very thin booklet of my random writings.

You know? Start earning royalty.

But being a youtuber, and watching how being a youtuber changed their lives forever really sounds like a cool idea to me.

I want to play games for a living, that truly is the closest I can get in being realistic. People watching my awful gameplay on youtube and pay to watch me rage or whatever.

It's possible, earning money just by playing games, but I've recently learned that it's not really that much. They do these live streams and a bunch of other stuff to earn. That's where mostly the money comes from. It's so insane that it boggles my mind as to how they even do such things?

Now these two things, being a gamer youtuber and a published writer, are what I wanted to achieve and make a living out of. I'm not cut out for office work. I just like the idea of wearing a tux or a coat in the office but not the actual work that comes with it.

Reporting, paper work, answering calls or queries, asking questions, computing random sh*t. It's not what I imagined "work" to be.

I want to enjoy my work, not loathe myself on why I'm still stuck on the same stupid job for how many years.

I want something to change.

I need something to change.

Perhaps I should start now, instead of soon.

Get things ready, get a credit card, not post it on the internet, research on how to earn in youtube and in writing.


I'm now thinking of something that might be awful or probably good. Let's see if it goes well.

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