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Below are 20 random questions that I've gathered on various social intermediaries. But if you do have another question for me that's not included on the listed ones below, feel free to feel free to comment them.

1. Fears/Phobias? – Anything that crawls basically, falling from high places and ghosts.

2. Thoughts on PDA? – It's not a norm in my country, but I'm kinda okay with it.

3. Favorite bed position? – Laying on my right side while hugging my pillow.

4. Strangest habit I've ever had? – Smelling my belly button.

5. First thing I do when I wake up? – Check my phone. Seriously.

6. Favorite breakfast? – Eggs and bacon with rice. Sometimes cereal, when I'm in the mood.

7. Worst lie I ever told? – Telling how much money I stole from my dad when I was a kid.

8. What makes me smile? – My closest friends having fun together while having my favorite guilty pleasure food.

9. Eye color? – brownish black.

10. Pets? – Pomeranian and two street dogs and 3 puppies.

11. Talent/s? – None that I know of, I know how to swim though. But I think it doesn't count.

12. Country I live in? – Philippines.

13. Insecurities? – My body figure and my speech patterns/how I talk to people. I'm more inclined in writing.

14. Number of siblings? – 1. I have a little sister.

15. Favorite TV show so far? – I loved watching The Mentalist, and I've recently finished it, I'm currently on season 2 of Game of Thrones, so yeah, hope it all goes well.

16. Future Career choice? – Culinary. I sure do love food.

17. Zodiac sign? – Taurus.

18. Favorite movie? – I loved the Harry Potter series.

19. First kiss? – None yet.

20. Sing in the shower? – Mostly with music, rarely without music.

Random WordsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora