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a/n: Dedicated to a good friend of mine.

Ever since I've come across his image, I couldn't get him off my mind. I imagine him before I go to sleep, he's the first one I think of when I wake up, when I'm sad I imagine that he's here with me trying to comfort me.

That ever so good looking guy who's secretly taunting me with his deceitful eyes kept showing up in my feed. Don't get me wrong; even if it is just a picture, his picture expresses a hundred words for me, it captivated me in a way that I couldn't hardly ignore, that I had to see more of him.

I never got the courage to actually talk to the guy or rather chat him so instead I'm in my little bubble of safe haven on the other side of the computer screen, just looking. There's always at least one person that keeps on showing up in my feed and makes me instantly acquire taste into that person. It's like they're inviting me to love them without even actually trying.

Is it possible that I always fall because of what I initially see? If so then that is really a bad habit for me. I know what "Don't judge the book by its cover" means, because I learned that the hard way. I can't help it though that they're actually good looking for me to ignore. The fact that they look good entices me to look more and eventually fall in love, even if it's just for a brief moment.

But in this case, the most recent guy in my feed feels different somehow. I saw old videos of him, which looked too cute to not see and add that with his voice is just pure bliss to hear and see altogether.

There's really something about his low groggy manly voice that makes me want to hear more of him. I recently learned that we went to the same concert together, and to make matters more interesting, we were in the same section together, which is the VIP section, but that was way before I knew him so I didn't knew at that time that he was there at the concert with me, in the same room with me and a hundred more people.

Had I known about him at that time, maybe, just maybe, maybe I would've gathered all the courage to come find him in that small crowd and actually talk to the guy in person instead of being a creepy stalker right now.

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