The Trooper

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I've come across yet another untimely sight just recently.

Like as if a fish was swimming in the clouds on a cloudless day, or a male cow milking cheese on winter. You don't see it everyday.

Only now I fully understand that it was truly saddening to read that a mom of my high school classmate just passed. But the thought of losing my mom or someone I loved passing saddened me even more. I know all of us have to go there at some point in our lives, but, I just wish we never had to. Bittersweet as it may be, that's not how life works sadly.

Valiant is the word that comes to mind when I think of moms, because they're truly brave and should be given the most credit all in all for the main reason that they give out all their love to you to bring you into this world and help you as you grow up into the person she wanted you to be. A medal wouldn't even suffice for all the sacrifices a mom will do for her child/ren. In all my years walking on this earth, only twice I've encountered the loss of a mother, a trooper.

Even though the first encounter was not my mom, she was my mom's mom. It was hard for my mom to let her go, but she stayed strong, she stayed firm, she's a trooper, so was my mom's mom. I know a mom's work is never done, but sometimes it is truly appreciated if you take some load off of her even if she doesn't ask you to.

Moms are fighters, that's why I think that a trooper is the right word for them. Lots of moms fight for themselves and for their kids, that's how tough they are. They will always fight until the end. I think that's what every kid should do to their moms as well - be fighters - because they take good care of you, keep you safe, cook you food, give you clothes to wear, some even provide all the necessities that her child needs, while some just gives out whatever she can.

You and plenty of kids, including me, should be proud that we have a mom. Some grow up without them and that sucks. In my opinion, moms should be always appreciated for the things they do. Because what they do, I'm sure majority, if not all, of it is for her kid/s.

Moms love their kid/s so much that they're willing to risk their own life for their kid/s, that's how much love they have for us. It's just sad to know that you'll be having regrets when the time comes. You know she won't be able to hear you right? After it happens?

Oh, I know I don't fully understand what my friend must be going through right now, but I know he's strong, he knows that his friends are here for him - we're here for him. All the praises in the world wouldn't even be enough for moms, they deserve more than what they get, even though they only ask one thing in return from her kid/s - our love.

Move aside your selfishness and/or pride and tell your mom you love her. You'll never know when will it come. Better be early now than live the rest of your life wishing you could go back and tell her you love her yourself. So, just in case you didn't noticed, try reading at the first letter of every paragraphs I made above. I hope I made myself clear enough.

This is dedicated to my high school classmate and a good friend who just lost his mom, his very own trooper of a mom. May she rest in peace now in the arms of our creator.

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