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Change is natural.

There's nothing bad about change. The thing we have to keep in mind is what we become after we change, that's where the bad things can happen.

People can change either for the better or for the worse. But there's no denying that change is inevitable, so don't you forget it.

I remember my college professor saying "One of the constant things in this world is change", and I believe her. From the surroundings and all the things that we see, down to the cells that make up our body, everything changes daily.

I can't believe that rhymed.

I heard someone also say that it takes approximately seven (7) years to replace every cell in our body, so if you knew someone 7 years ago, then he or she is a totally different person now.

Now that's change for yah.

Change for the better, is what they say. We should try it.

I'm trying it now.

I got a new haircut, new job, new bank account, new experiences, new food to eat, new friends and new struggles.

Gotta start somewhere right?

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