Root Canal Secret Mission

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I checked the door knob making sure it's locked, checked my phone to make sure my alarms are set, checked my guard dog inside making sure he's still alive and last but not the least, confirm my root canal appointment with my usual dentist at his usual place of work.

"What could go wrong?" I breathed, slightly feeling uneasy and unsure of what's to come. The call to confirm my appointment with Dr. Ross went swimmingly when his assistant Jenny picked up the phone on the second ring as per usual and confirmed my appointment with Dr. Ross.

Things are going according to plan, why am I being so paranoid on such a normal regular Sunday? It's not like people from work are going to call me or something. I mean, I just finished an assignment yesterday after all.

The drive to my dentist went smoothly, no traffic, no people crossing the street and no red lights as I passed every traffic light with only green thanks to my trusty thing-a-majig. Federal crime shmederal crime, I will not be late on my planned time of arrival for the dentist just because I happen to stop at a red light.

I arrived at the dentist a minute ahead of schedule. I guess I underestimated my driving prowess.

"Hey Jenny." I greeted Dr. Ross' very helpful assistant as I walked through the entrance. She's the one who gives out candies to kids who visit Dr. Ross, she processes the forms, checks in on the Dentist, receives the payment etcetera.

"Hello Ms. Scarlett, Dr. Ross is ready for you." She greeted me with a cheeky smile as she courteously ushered me to 'The room', as the kids put it. Her hair flickered and her heels clicked with every step she took. Inside, Dr. Ross has already his chair and his tools prepared for me.

"Thank you Jenny." Dr. Ross said, his mouth covered with a mask. Jenny fled the scene, never setting a foot inside 'The Room'. May I say, Dr. Ross looks quite different this time for some unexplainable reason. Was it the odd perfume? Was it his new hairstyle? Was it his new watch? Something is off, or maybe it's just me being paranoid again.

"Ms. Scarlett, if you please." His voice muffled, made by his face mask, he gestured me to sit at his torture chair as I like to put it. You sit in that chair feeling helpless as he tortures your teeth the entire time. I humbly obeyed and sat on his torture chair as I waited patiently.

I had an estimate of 30 minutes for the entire procedure for there isn't much to do for my teeth. I can take the pain, but not today though, I needed anesthesia, but only a little of it. I do kind of hate when dentists talk to you and you're just sitting there, mouth wide open, unable to talk, unable to move freely and reply "Just stop talking please." to their face.

Thankfully I was on point with my estimate for we finished on time with still a minute to spare overall.

I paid for my session and head straight to my car. Once I sat on the driver's seat I suddenly felt a surge of tingling pain coming from my newly root canalled teeth.

Weird, is that normal?

"Red, come in red." An eerie familiar voice came to me. Oh great, I'm so paranoid that I'm starting to hear things. I started my car and made my way home.

"Is this thing on? Can she hear me?" The voice continued. Why won't it stop? It sounds like Alfred's voice, and it's too irritating. It reminds me of work. I shrugged it off and continued driving, turning on my thingamajig again so there won't be stoplights to bother me.

"It's on sir, she can hear you loud and clear." An even irritating voice resonated in my head, the kind of voice you hear from a nerd that's been in front of the computer for too long.

"Good. Agent Red, come in agent." I immediately stopped my car. This can't be. It sounded like Alfred, our handler.

"Alfred? I swear to God if you bugged my car again I'm gonna-"

"No need for that Red, this time it's the tooth. We need you for an emergency mission."

"On my tooth?! What were you thinking Alfred?" I can't believe he did this to me again?! Bugging something I own. I mean, how did I not see that Dr. Ross put a bug on my tooth? I should've trusted my instincts back at the dentist!

"I know it's short notice, but it's the best we could do at the moment. Now for your assignment."

"What?" I screamed. "Short notice? It's very much short notice, I mean, with the government funding us couldn't you at least do something better than put a bug in my tooth?!" I continued yelling out.

"Yes, but time is of the essence here and we need you. NOW!" Alfred insisted. Oh Lord, why did I get this job in the first place?

I grunted in disapproval. I was looking forward for my quiet evening with my trusty guard dog, now it's all ruined just because some idiot forgot to bring bodyguards with them.

"Fine. Hit me."

"All our other agents are dispatched at the moment and you're our only hope and just so happen to be conveniently located near the area." Alfred said with a non-reassuring voice. I hate working on Sundays, plus, I don't care if there aren't any more agents to do this assignment, I want my Sundays to go without guns firing at me and carrying some supposedly dead person along with me.

"Just tell me." I groaned as I impatiently wait for Alfred's orders.

"Head east, just a mile from where you are." I can't believe he also put a tracker in my tooth?! What else did he put inside my teeth that he's not telling me? I bolted my car, did a 180 and stepped on the gas as hard as I could.

"What else?" I asked, half irritated and half angry.

"Take the next left to the old and abandoned yarn factory." That old place? What's in there?

"D'you mind telling me what I'm doing?" I asked Alfred nicely.

"Just take the kid being held for ransom, alive, and get outta there." What? Just a kid?

"Alfred" I lifelessly said, but got no response from him. "Who is this kid? You can't be sending me off to get some kid if he wasn't important or anything."

I hear a loud and long sigh before Alfred started talking. "It's Barron Trump." He blurted, almost quite ashamed to say the name. I stopped driving as I heard the name.

"You've got to be kidding me!" All this trouble just for that kid? What did the kid even do to get into that position in the first place?

"I know it's hard, but we're under orders to get the kid, to kill the kidnappers if necessary and to not bring the cops." I rolled my eyes in disagreement.

"Can't we just let-"

"No! As much as it pains me to say this, you need to get him back in one piece."

I pondered on it for a brief moment, contemplating whether or not to actually do the assignment even though I'm still going to do it in the end. I gave Alfred a short sigh of discontent as I continued my way to save the kid.


After which, I was given another medal of honor, inside the four corners of the FBI facilities which was the usual drill, together with my bruised hand, twisted ankle, an awful headache and a shot scraping my arm all because of one boy who wouldn't shut up about him being the son of the president of America and kept touching everything at the back of my car.

The next time another president's kid is kidnapped for ransom, you can count me out of it. I'd rather choose infiltration or disarming weapons and bombs over saving a president's kid any day from now on.    

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