Unusual Weapon of Choice

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Author's Note: Main character was inspired by a high school classmate of mine.

I checked the clock, it's almost three in the afternoon. He's almost here. I frantically look around. Don't know where he'll be popping.

There were lots of people in light blue, while the people in plain white were outside our big room. My friend Adam, he's good people, the only one I can trust. He wears light blue, that's how I know he's on my side.

I can see Adam from afar, talking to a plant. He's crazy, at least I think he is, but he's my only friend here, so I have to trust him. The others? Not so much.

There were quite a lot of quiet people here, most of them either stare at each other or stare at something outside the windows, perhaps the cupid statue that spits poisonous liquid or those pesky squirrels that messes up my hair whenever I go under the trees. The white people never let me outside nowadays, they say the squirrels might attack me again. I believed them. Those squirrels are mean.

I fear they want to live in my hair. I can't take care of them and their families, I don't have a job.

I get jealous sometimes whenever Adam gets to go outside, he gets to pet the plants, feel the sprinklers whenever they go and even talk to the cats that always strut their way around the place.

I wish I could talk to cats like Adam.

It was a different day today. I'm prepared, but it's been quiet for a while. Perhaps too quiet.

Right on cue, the speakers started shouting again. The high pitched sound at the beginning has always been pleasing to me.

"All nurses please escort the patients in the recreational hall-b to their facilities" The speaker gave the order finally, and in came the people in white.

"ADAAAAAAM" I shout as I shot him a glare. I squint my eyes a little, just to give him a hint, hoping that he would notice. The other people in light blue paid no attention to my sudden action.

Adam hastily ran towards me, jumping at every chair and ducking at every table that came towards him. Everyone was panicking, running around, throwing books, throwing toys, throwing remote controls and whatnot. It's that time of the day again, where they take us to our rooms and play prisoners. The people in white are here to take my precious.


"Hide it. Hide it where no one will find it" I gave Adam my great grandfather's compass hoping he would do what I commanded. I need that magic compass when I travel the seven seas in order to find the hidden city of Valhalla and save the Valkyries from the army of undead that are attacking from the north.

"Eye, eye cap'n!" Adam cheered as he gave me a left hand backward salute.

That's a good boy – no, that's a good soldier.

"Hello Mr. Williams, let's get you checked out okay?" Said the enemy in white, approaching in my 2 o'clock.

"No! You will never take my precious!" I ran as fast as I could away from him. I couldn't let them take my precious, not again, not after what they did last time. They scratched it! Now the magic is seeping right through the scratches. I must not let them do it anymore or else I won't be able to help the Valkyries.

He ran after me, he was faster, he always was. But I came prepared this time.

As he was about to caught up with me, I draw my sword up. The sharpest blade you could ever come across in all the seven seas. He doesn't stand a chance now against me.

"What do you got there Mr. Williams?" Said the enemy.

"Oh this? Just your demise. And you?" I was boasting about my sword. He looked around and picked up his weapon.

I can't believe he's fighting me with that. I've never seen it used as a weapon before, but when he tried to attack me with a leaf, I stepped back just to make sure it's safe – that it couldn't kill me. It could be poisoned for all I know.

The leaf appeared long, and the plant looked like a miniature palm tree. Beaucarnea Recurvata I believe is what Adam calls them.

I couldn't help but laugh that he missed. I know now that he will never take my precious away from me. He really doesn't stand a chance.

"A leaf?" I fake quivered. "Ooooo, I'm so scared"

"Mr. Williams, I'm holding a rope. You're the one that's holding a leaf." I couldn't understand what he just said. Of all the things that the people in white told me, this was one of the things that I didn't believed.

"Whatever" I snapped. I charged at him, but he caught me and he tied me with his leaf. I knew there was something fishy with his leaf. How could it be that strong to hold me? I don't understand it. It shouldn't make sense, yet it somehow does.

I thought it would be dipped in poison or acid or something of the like, but not this, I wasn't expecting this.

"I-I need to save the Valkyries" I struggled to break free like a camper wiggling out of his camping sack, but he was too strong. I got out from his grip once before, but I wasn't very good at running or hiding.

"What you need Mr. Williams is your medicine" He said as he kept pinning me to the ground. He got better, that I noticed.

"No! N-n no!" I was feeling weak. I felt him pierce something in my neck, it hurt, but only for a little while, then I felt very sleepy, but I was trying to fight him off.

The more people in white came to help pin me down to the ground, the more I lost my hope of sailing the seven seas to find the hidden city of Valhalla. At least my magic compass was safe and sound with my good and trusted friend Adam.

I can always try again tomorrow.

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