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I've come across an untimely sight today. It's as if a flightless bird drowned by being under the sun for too long at mount everest at night.

It sounds crazy but, it's hard to accept how something precious as a life of a person can easily be taken away either willingly or unwillingly.

I travelled far today just to visit an old friend together with a bunch of my old friends as well, we're all high school classmates just to emphasize.

It's somewhat eerie to be going not because of a casual gathering, but rather going to an unusual event that we're supposed to be going to later in our lives, perhaps when we're old enough, but no.

We had to go to one of our friend's untimely demise, just because he just so happens to be born with a condition which he cannot control. He has these attacks and in such times there has to be at least one person with him to assist or help him.

Sadly enough, at that time he was alone, really early in the morning, having his morning coffee and there laying on the ground his pack of cigarettes and a phone at hand.

I don't know what he was thinking of or what was running through his mind at that moment when everything was so serene, so quiet with a few roosters as an exception, but still, more quiet than in the urban which is where all of us who went at his house lived.

I hope he lived a good life knowing he had what he had, which was epilepsy. His mom didn't let him continue his studies after highschool because he had a fight with some troublesome kids, and she couldn't bear the thought of her son being harmed by them so she sent him back to their home in the rural area.

I couldn't even begin to imagine what was going in his mind when he has those attacks, more importantly, I can't even fathom the thought of fear when he had that attack, so close to the river where he sat there early in the morning, alone with his warm coffee, his phone and his pack of cigarettes, as he plunged into it as he was having one of his attacks.

It's just so sad to think he died that way.

May your soul rest easy now my friend. May your troubles be relieved from you up there in heaven.

a/n: Dedicated to my high school classmate who drowned in a river while he was having his epilepsy attack. RIP James.

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