Happy Times

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I've figured it out.

Being happy is not just principle. It can also be a way of living. 

If you live life  just by being happy, in a non-weird way, then you win. At life I mean. You always see the brighter side of things.

Perhaps I'm being too optimistic or idealistic. Let me tone it down a bit. You don't have to be happy all the time, all you have to do is to notice the good in every bad situation. That's a subtle way of putting my point.

Notice the good but not in a too overly dramatic or impractical way. Be realistic as you can, so people won't think you're too optimistic or something. I don't like people who are like that. Too much optimism doesn't look good in my book.

Sometimes the happy times can come from the people around you, sometimes you make your own happy moment. It really depends on the situation. Sometimes it just comes to you, like a happy memory from your past.

There's a lot of good in the world. It will always outweigh the bad, no matter how bad things may seem, there's always good all around us. You don't need to look hard. 

I may not be there on that tragic night in Vegas, but I knew, good was lingering along the sidelines, waiting to act. Knowing random strangers, coming together to help one another is proof that good is still out there. It will never be gone. Stay happy everyone, and stay safe.

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