Uncomfortable Talks

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I don't talk about my feelings, what I think, what bothers me.

You wouldn't normally see me talking to a person.

It's either I'm alone, or I'm listening to someone babble about something they want to talk about.

So to be put in a situation where it's up to me to talk baffles my mind beyond to some extent that some would even refer to it as "unbelievable". The extent, not my mind.

Then again, talking is supposed to be natural. But when I do it, there's like a cat that always has my tongue whenever I'm trying to speak what's on my mind.

These past few weeks, there had been plenty of instances where it would require in my line of work to talk about what I've learned. No cues, no scripts, no aids, nothing.

Impromptu if you will.

They just let you speak your mind, which is great, from what I assume for the other people around me, but not in my case.

I'm terribly shy.

I couldn't give out a 10 minute speech on anything I could think about at the spur of the moment, even if my life depended on it.

That's how bad I am at speaking.

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