13. Irish Twins and Suicide Doors

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"You need to be focusing on your health."

I groaned out as I reached for my water. I begged the nurses not to let him in. Him and Psycho probably promised them penis in one of the operating rooms. Psycho smirked as he leaned against the door. Lucien stood at the foot of the bed like a weirdo.

"Harper, are you listening?" He arched an eyebrow.

"No." I gave him a dry look. A part of me, an unknown feeling, was happy that he cared. The rest of me was just bothered by his presence.

"I said I'm coming to your next appointment." He glared.

"Like hell you are." I snapped, hopping off of the bed. "I won't let you."

"I'm paying for the visits." He smirked. Every word from his mouth hammered at my annoyed button.

"No one asked you to!" I yelled, throwing my arms up.

"But that's my kid in there." He pointed at my stomach with a smile.

"I wish it wasn't." I mumbled, walking out of the room.


"God, why couldn't I have fucked a low level drug dealer?" I whined as I walked down the hall.

I had strict orders to lower my physical activities for a few days. That meant that I had to call into work and lie. I said that I fainted due to dehydration and a stranger found me. Ms. J was very understanding until Eva snaked me and told everyone the truth.

Coming clean was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. I hated how everyone looked at me. They treated me like I was fragile. Eric even suggested that we stop training all together. That broke my heart.

Work and the gym were the only things keeping me sane. They were my escape from reality. It would have stayed that way if Eva would have kept her mouth shut. I hated her so much for that. She ruined everything. If things would have gone as planned, I would have given birth and returned to my old life. Now that everyone knows, that option is impossible.

I walked into work to see a grinning boss and coworker. They looked at me with those creepy I-know-your-secret smiles. I sighed and decided to just get it over with.

"Hi. What are those faces?" I asked while putting my bag down.

"Why didn't you tell us about your boyfriend?" Shelby blurted while boss nodded with a glare. I sighed.

"What boyfriend?" I asked dryly.

"The one that just left here after requesting that you take it easy for a few days." My boss retorted.

Fucking Lucien.

"He also said he'd be picking you up early for your appointment." Shelby gushed.

I groaned and pushed past them.

"He's being dramatic. Everything is fine." I mumbled. "He's just a messenger."

"That's not what he said." Shelby sang as I busied myself with prep.

"I don't care what he says," I spat. "I'm my own person."

I spun around and started to focus on the task at hand. Lucien was seriously overstepping his boundaries.

"Sure, I'll get that right out for you." I chirped, handing off an order to Shelby.

I sighed and leaned over the register. My back started hurting about halfway through my shift. The more it hurt, the more chipper I became. I couldn't risk boss finding out and taking me off of the schedule.

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