40. Lucia Speaks

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"Married?" Ruger shot up from his seat in alarm. "When did she get married? To who?"

"We're getting there." Darrell spoke patiently. Ruger reclaimed his seat, awaiting the worst.

"Taken by the state at age eleven, fostered by her now father-in-law from age fourteen to eighteen, one child given up at age sixteen, eloped at age nineteen, second born at 21, currently pregnant with baby number three living in Davis Manor Estates." Darrell rattled off Eva's complex history.

"A child at sixteen?" Ruger mumbled. Darrell nodded.

"Unknown father, gave birth under the name Tayler Raulston. Signed out as Eva Davis. Female child, current living conditions unknown. Apparently it was a closed adoption by the state." He informed. "Now you guys said she used to be very close, correct?"

"Yeah, we gotta kill her?" Cree chimed in. So far he had been the quietest.

"That's not for me to say or encourage." Darrell shook his head. "Her escort service was actually a sting operation. The men she entertained were high in the drug world. Some kingpins, international traders, assassins, traffickers, political leaders. Her clientele ran deep. But your names never popped up."

"Okay, and what does that mean?" Cree asked in annoyance.

"Her methods must have failed here." Darrell theorized. "The last conversation documented during her mission mentioned feeling too close for comfort."

"So the bitch causes hell in our lives for nothing?" Cree summarized. "When she couldn't get what she wanted out of us, she played crazy?"

"I wish I had a dramatic backstory for the things she did but some people are just evil." Darrell sighed. "As for her brother-in-law, Harper's ex, he's not a threat. A little obsessed but overall harmless."

"Mr. Davis?" I questioned. From what I heard, the man essentially ran a cult. A few girls had made mention of him watching his sons have sex. He was twisted and if I could keep Harper away, I'd do whatever I could.

"I'll have to get back to you on that." Darrell admitted making a part of me want to fire him.

"Thank you." Cree stood up to shake his hand. Once he was gone, we all looked at each other.

"Now What?"


Kenya watched the kids play in the paint with disgust written all over her face. Auren and I had placed tape decorated canvases in a kiddie pool and let them loose with paint. Lucia had successfully dyed her hair purple and looked to be changing her skin to green. Chase, not liking the mess, actually used the brush to paint the white surface. Koven was attempting to draw something for his sister.

Yep, Kenya got caught up. She was only three months yet everyone was convinced she was carrying around a girl. Her exact words when she found out were "now that I've been jinxed, you're next."

I'll be dammed.

"You're looking mighty comfortable there." Auren joked making me chuckle.

"Yeah, mother of two looks good on you." Kenya joined in.

"Never." I shook my head. "Lucia is more than enough."

"She would be a good big sister, she doesn't even get jealous." Kenya noted. I looked at Lucia to see her already looking at me. She flashed a wide smile before turning back to her project. I chuckled softly making sure not to disturb Auren's daughter.

"That's because she likes daddy more." I informed. "If he came in here and picked Caeya up, she would die."

"Oop, daddy?" Auren teased making me roll my eyes.

Somewhere along the line Lucia heard Lucien's name and had started referring to him as that or babe. In order to correct her, we have been referring to each other as mommy and daddy. Much to Lucien's perverted delight.

"She's still doing it." I ignored the poke at me. "Yesterday, he gave her a smoothie and she was like "thanks, babe" and kissed him on the cheek."

"You know kids imitate what they see..." Kenya trailed off. I shook my head in denial.

Maybe we had gotten a little too comfortable...

Ask all questions about Eva here!

How do you feel about Auren and Kenya?

Harper still refuses to move in with Lucien, what do you think is holding her back?

Do you feel like therapy is helping her? Has she actually changed or is this just one of her highs?

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