36. One Of Theirs

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Harper and Lucia were fast asleep, leaving me to my thoughts. My nerves were taking over as we neared the ranch.

I knew there would be many questions from both sides. I went from divorced to daddy in a little over a year. They would definitely need answers. My only hope would be for them to accept my new family. Since Lucia called me daddy, there's no way in hell we're getting separated again. Harper, on the other hand, I want her wherever she's happy.

With me.

Pulling into the long driveway, the telltale signs of my large family emerged. The rows and rows of black cars and trucks formed a makeshift parking lot. I parked my matte black Range Rover next to Cree's new, matte black, Lamborghini Aventador.

We were definitely the show offs of the family. I hopped out and gathered Lucia in my arms, waking her gently. She stirred and gave me a lazy smile. I kissed her forehead as I smiled back.

"¿Dormiste bien?" I pushed her hair back from her face. "Did you sleep well?"

She nodded her head before letting out a large yawn. Her tiny arms stretched out like a cat. I chuckled out.

"Lucien, where are we?" A sleepy voice sounded behind me. Being so wrapped up in waking Lucia, I forgot Harper was still in the car. I turned around in time to watch my hoodie slide up her torso as she stretched. Her tank top underneath rolled up in her sleep, giving me an unobstructed view of my personal artwork from the night before. She reached for Lucia, breaking me out of my trance.

"What did you say?" I shook my head slightly as she fussed with our daughter's hair.

"Where are we?" She repeated, tightening the hair bows and setting Lucia down.

"My abuela's." I shrugged, pulling her into a hug. Her mouth dropped in shock.

"Lucien!" She whispered harshly. "A little heads up would have been nice, no? I'm covered in hickies, wearing your clothes and I'm not wearing makeup?"

"You're still beautiful, I look like an old Italian. Our daughter is perfecta. Relax." I kissed her forehead. "Andiamo."

She sighed before fixing her clothes and following me to the house. Her eyes bulged at the amount of people sitting around. I started to rethink the ambush. Neither of my women were fond of crowds. Lucia was slightly more willing to interact. Harper's breath sped up, making me turn around.

"Mirame." I gripped her chin. Her brown eyes looked so distant, lost in her thoughts. "You're with me, somos familia. Okay? I won't let anything happen to you. Do you trust me?"

She nodded, the life slowly returning to her eyes.

"I need to hear you say it." I demanded, keeping myself close to her.

"Mi fido di te." She whispered. I placed a soft kiss to her lips. Knowing that there were eyes everywhere, I played it safe.

"I love it when you speak my language." I teased, kissing her forehead.

"I have no choice, you've turned my daughter quadralingual." She retorted, wrapping her arms around my waist.

Cree, being the childish asshole, met us on the porch. He rocked back and forth with a mischievous smile on his face. He was definitely up to something.

"Wait right here." I kissed Harper's forehead and ran up the steps. Lucia reached for Cree.

"Hi, little one. How's tio's world?" He cooed as she rambled.

"What did you do?" I glared.

"It's what I'm going to do." He smirked.

"Cree!" I called after him as he waltzed into the house. I knew I was in trouble by what came out of his mouth next.

"Lucien has a novia! Los vi besándose in the yard!" He called out. "Oh, and this is my niece."

"I'm going to kill you!" Cree handed Lucia to an embarrassed and confused Harper and took off toward the backdoor. I immediately followed in pursuit.


"Girlfriend, eh?" A pretty dark haired woman spoke. She was eyeing me like a protective mother.

"No, not at all." I denied foolishly. I knew I looked every bit of the part. I definitely wasn't going to put words in Lucien's mouth though.

"Abuela te necesito!" She yelled instead of answering.

A smaller woman who looked way too young to be someone's grandmother wiped her hands on her white apron. Her dark brown hair was pulled back tightly, her big brown orbs pierced my soul. They looked so familiar. I saw them every day. It was no doubt that Lucia had received her eyes. Lucia, who had been quietly observing her surroundings, squirmed in my hold. I cautiously let her down.

"You know I hate when you yell in this house, why are you -"

"Aba!" Lucia ran toward the woman. The woman froze to get a good look at the foreign child. Instant recognition flowed through her as Lucia made eye contact.

"Sí, tu bisabuela." She smiled, picking her up. Lucia wrapped her arms around her neck and kissed her cheek. Everyone else in the room stood just as confused as I did.

"Alma, ven aquí!" She yelled. I looked around for someone to step forward. Lucien returned red and covered in sweat.

"Yes?" He inquired. My confusion grew because I'd never heard that name.

"Soul." A younger girl mumbled. "He's her favorite."

"Oh." I nodded in understanding. Consumed in my thoughts, I didn't realize he was back in my face.

"You okay?" He cupped my face softly. I nodded softly while he observed me thoroughly. It was a little awkward since his family was still staring in shock.

"I'm fine, Lucien." I assured him.

"I need to speak with you." The woman broke his concentration.

He grabbed my hand and followed the woman out. She walked us out into the yard and into another building. It looked homely on the outside, but the inside was spectacular. Everything was adorned with roses and gold. It had high ceilings and rose petals under glass on the floor. Lucia looked around in wonder as we entered a library. Though she couldn't read, she was fascinated by books. Lucien made a point to read to her all the time. It was part of their bonding moments.

"Sit." She commanded. Lucien pulled out both of our chairs before sitting next to me.


"I'm glad you finally brought her." She cut him off. "She's beautiful and I see a pure heart."

I smiled softly at her observation. I was a little confused because I had no idea that he talked about me. It actually never crossed my mind that he would speak to his family. The man always worked as if he had none.

"How long?" He asked curiously.

"Since she was born, I've talked to her in my dreams." Aba informed as Lucia rubbed her face. "Now how did this come about? This is not the girl you married."

"Long story." He rubbed his neck awkwardly. That story should never be repeated. "But I'm happy."

"Are you happy?" She turned to me and for the first time I felt uncomfortable. No one had ever asked me that and genuinely meant it. Sure there have been a few problems along the way, but I'm content.

"I'm getting there." I decided to answer truthfully.

"You'll be one of us in no time." She smiled.

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