14. Functionally Dysfunctional

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"Just leave me the hell alone, Lucien." The car door slammed. I leaned my head against the steering wheel and groaned out.

I never thought about having a woman with baby problems. Two was beyond my imagination. It was my reality.

After my disaster of an olive branch with Harper, I had to go to another doctor. I mentally kicked myself the whole way there. I was supposed to approach the topic of her quitting softly. Apparently Roma doesn't know the meaning of soft. She all but went into labor in the parking lot.

Why did she keep saying "when I leave" and not "we"?

What is she planning?

"You'll never know now." I grumbled to myself.

I pulled into the parking lot and immediately began to search for the custom pink car. My mood only soured further with its absence.

"I'm literally going to murder her." I growled, slamming my door shut. I quickly apologized to my truck and went toward the building.

I made sure to get an appointment scheduled on the doctor's day off. I paid a hell of a lot of money to make sure of it. Swinging the door open, I found the lobby practically empty as it was supposed to be. The only people there were a cute redhead nurse and Dr. Haywood. Absolutely no sign of my ungrateful wife was present. I made a mental note to cut Nat's accounts when I got home.

"Mr. Myles!" Heather greeted. She pulled me into a warm embrace that I quickly returned. I smirked and conjured up some small talk. Heather was an old "buddy" of mine. Things ended when I married Nat and Heather went off to college. She worked extremely hard and finished several years early. She became one of the best doctors in the country and specialized in fertility.

"So, where's the Mrs?" Heather teased.

"You know how she is." I rolled my eyes.

"Remember the graduation party?" She laughed.

Nat and I went to different high schools, but even then we were attached at the hip. We went everywhere together. We even went as far as dropping each other off at our respective schools. We did it every day until graduation. She was due to graduate the week after me. That's when the problems came. Due to my promiscuous ways, she didn't even want another girl to walk with me in the lineup. When she found out my graduation buddy was a girl I had slept with, she completely lost it. She refused to show up at my graduation when I couldn't get the principal to change my position. I had gotten so pissed that I blocked her number and went to a party, leaving her at the restaurant alone. She used her friend, Tara, to track my location.

When she got to the party, she attempted to hit me with a liquor bottle.

That was the day my life changed.

We got married two weeks later. Of course we struggled to be faithful to each other, we were young. I got diagnosed with my condition and that alone was a strain on our already rocky relationship. We decided that a baby would help us grow together.

We've been trying since we were teenagers. Almost four years later; still nothing. I honestly felt bad. I was the reason we were in this situation to begin with.

I owe her a baby. A fresh start.

"Does she know that I'm the doctor?" Heather asked. I shrugged casually.

"You're one of the best." I smirked.

"I'm the best, young Lucien." She flipped her hair over her shoulder causing me to laugh out. As if on cue, Nat strolled into the office with her designer sunglasses on her head and what looked like every piece of jewelry she owned.

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