Chapter Three | Bad Ideas

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Stefan looks at Damon and Isabella with a frown, unsure if this is right or that Elena would be happy with him.

"Let's do it" Damon says.

They both hesitate to open it so instead of them opening it, The older vampire does. The stone door comes off from the tomb entrance revealing a dark tunnel.

A figure appears at the end, stumbling towards the entrance

"Please...come on in. There's plenty of room for all of us" Katherine says with a flirty tone. "Except I think you would rather Klaus's company wouldn't you Isabella"

Isabella glares at the brunette vampire for mentioning Klaus.

"I'd rather poke my eyes out" Damon mutters.

"Mmm, they're such pretty eyes"

She waits for the brothers to get any information or get somewhere with her to be able to get the moonstone.

"We're here for the moonstone."

"Feel like tossing it over?"

"Tell you what, you get your little witch to hocus pocus me out of here, you can have whatever you want"

"I thought you liked it in here. Nice and safe where Klaus can't get to you"

"I've had time to reconsider"

"Meaning you're hungry"

"I'm starving, Damon and dirty but above all, I'm bored"

Katherine moves closer towards the entrance, grasping at the wall to keep herself up and steady.

"At least running from Klaus wasn't boring so here's the deal, you get me out of here, you get the moonstone and I'll disappear from Mystic Falls forever".

The Salvatore's look at each other while Katherine smirks before walking back into the dark tunnel.

"Let me know what you decide"

After talking with Katherine, Stefan and Damon are going to Elena's but Bella decided to have some lunch.

She walks into the grill and spots a lonely guy.

"Come with me" She compels.
The guy walks with her to the back of the grill.

"What are you doing?" The guy says nervously.

"Don't scream or call out" Her eyes look into the man's eyes. The man stands there still waiting for what is going to happen.

Isabella smirks before diving her teeth into the man's neck. She continues to drink until he drops into the ground, lifeless.

She wipes her lips "Mmm you were delicious".

Her phones beeps which cause her to sigh.

Hey could you come to the Salvatore's? - Elena

Be there soon - Isabella

Isabella leaves the lifeless body on ground and speeds over to the Salvatore mansion.

Elena is waiting at the door for her and when she is beside her, she opens it.

"It's not nice to leave a girl naked so early in the morning" Rose's eyes widen at the sight of Elena and I.

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