Chapter Four | Love Confession

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Italics - Flashbacks

Bold - Phone Calls or Texts


"Niklaus?" The brown haired girl says with confusion and fear in her voice as Klaus seems to be drinking from a pale lifeless women.

He looks up, blood dripping from his mouth and his eyes fill with guilt.


"What is this?" She looks around the room to see blood and bodies on the ground "What are you?".

Instead of running away, Isabella slowly walks over to Klaus who has stood up and wiped the blood from his mouth. She cautiously steps towards him, still afraid but not enough to scream or run.

"What are you Niklaus?"

She reaches out, touching his cheek causing his veins to appear which her eyes widen at. Niklaus takes her hand in his "I have a dark past love".

"Tell me"

"I am a Original vampire"

Klaus waits for her eyes to fill with fear but they don't. Her eyes fill with love and curiosity.

"What aren't you running away, scared of me, this blood sucking villain" Klaus says with disgust.

"Because, my love, even if you" Isabella looks around at the bodies "have this problem, I find myself still loving you and not being able to see you in a horrible way".

Klaus's eyes light up with love and happiness, he leans in closer to Isabella and kisses her lips, softly.

Isabella's eyes flutter open, trying to push the memory of Klaus away.


"You should really lock your door" Damon says with a smirk "Oh, come on, pouty. At least give me two points for ingenuity".

"Do you think this is funny?" Elena pouts at the two vampires walking into her house, which she is stuck in because of Bonnie's spell.

"Honestly, yeah" Bella mutters which earns a glare from the doppelgänger.

"Yes Elena. I find hilarity in the lengths that I have to go to repeatedly save your life".

"What does Stefan say about this?".

"We had a good laugh".

"And what did he say about Elijah still being alive?" Damon sighs, looking at the older vampire who didn't tell them that Elijah was alive.

"Yeah, that...I didn't tell him". "Why not?".

"Well A: he can't do anything about it; and B:...what I just said"

Elena's brother Jeremy walks in, looking at Damon and a new vampire, he doesn't know.

"Who are you" He says glaring at her.

"Isabella" She says simply but her veins flash underneath her eyes.

"Where is Bonnie?"

"I thought she was meeting you".

"No, she's on moonstone duty and I'm on Elena patrol".

"And who's on Tyler Lockwood and the full moon?" Bella says.

"Vampire Barbie asked me if she could handle it, and I said, why not? Figured if she screwed up, he'll bite her and then I'll be rid of two of my problems"

Isabella glares at him because out of all the people she has met, she has bonded with her the most.

"Hold on a second. Tonight's the full moon?" Isabella nods and sits down next to Elena.

"Yep, but you were too absorbed with all your suicidal tendencies to notice" Damon's phone rings, he answers and its the vampire hunter/history teacher/Damon's drinking buddy Alaric.

Isabella listens into the phone call.


"Sheriff Forbes has officially declared Mason Lockwood a missing person"

"What? Why?"

"Some girl from Florida showed up on the Lockwood's door step looking for Mason"

"What girl?"

"I don't know but she sure got everyone in a tizzy"

"That's not good. Where are you?"

"I'm at the Grill"

"I'm on my way"

Damon hangs up and points at Jeremy and Bella. "Change of plans. You both babysit"

Isabella looks at Damon "Yeah...sorry doppelgänger but no, I don't babysit". She vamp speeds out the door away from all the Mystic Falls gang and their drama.

She ends up in the woods where a sweet couple are having a picnic. "Hello" She says with a smirk at the couple and walks over to compel them.They look behind at the girl watching them until a figure speeds out and snaps their necks.

The brown haired vampire groans in frustration. "Elijah"

"Isabella" The Original smiles at her while she looks at her lunch that is now dead on the floor.

"Run out of blood bags?"

"Nope, just sick of them" Isabella walks closer to him "I prefer fresh blood". She smirks before walking away into the trees

"Isabella" Elijah demands her to stay to continue talking.

The brown haired vampire turns around swiftly waiting for him to talk "Yes Elijah?".

"You appear to have changed to everyone but I see the real you hidden underneath the emotionless uncaring woman façade".

"You would know Elijah wouldn't you"

Elijah looks at her, remembering back to a night when he had found her after she ran away.

Her brown hair flows in the wind, she looks out across the field thinking back on the years spent running and hiding. All of the times when she could have been having fun but she wasn't.

"Isabella". The familiar voice causes her whole body to freeze and stiffen, the voice belongs to no other than Elijah Mikaelson.

"Elijah" Isabella says softly whilst turning around to face the man, her eyes filling with tears.

Elijah move elegantly towards her and reaches for her hand to hold "Dear Isabella, I have missed you". A single tears rolls down her face, Elijah reaches and brushes away the tear.

They look up into each other's eyes, tears falling from both and they smile at each other. Elijah dips his head down to her level, placing a small kiss on her forehead and holding her in comfort "I love you" Elijah whispers softly.

He opens his eyes to see Isabella has left him in the field, with only the scent of her perfume showing any trace of her. He always loved her but he knew she would only love Niklaus, no matter what has happened or what would happen, their love could never die.

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