Chapter Fourteen | Blue Eyes

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The first thing that intrigued her and caught her attention were those blue eyes, filled with mystery.

"Get out!" Jenna shouts from the Salvatore hallway, gaining Isabella's attention who walks towards them.

"Jenna, Jenna!".

"Get out!".  Her eyes looks at the crossbow which is aimed at Alaric but he seems normal. "Jenna, put the crossbow down, okay? It's me".

"Stay away from me"

Elena, Stefan, Damon and Elijah make their way to the hallway. Isabella sends a greeting nod to the Original who returns the nod.

"What's going on?" Elena asks.

"It's me, Elena, I swear, okay? He let me go. Klaus let me go".

"Prove it".

Alaric turns to Jenna "Okay, uh first night you and I spent together, Jeremy walked in right when I was about to...".

"Okay, it's him".

The brunette vampire raises her eyebrow, glancing at the two and Jenna lowers the crossbow.

"Why did he let you go?".

"He wanted me to deliver a message. The sacrifice happens tonight".

All of them decide to talk in the other room but Damon slips away, noticed by only Jenna and Isabella

"So you don't remember anything that happened?".

"No. It's like I blacked out and woke up three days later. Katherine was there".

"She's under compulsion. Damon snuck her some vervain, but she can't leave until Klaus tells her she can".

"Where is Damon?".

"I saw him go upstairs".

Isabella goes over to Damon's drink table, pouring bourbon into four glasses, handing the to Stefan, Alaric and Jenna and drinking one herself.

"So what else did I do?".

Both Stefan and Isabella pick up on a struggle upstairs, both speeding up to check what is happening. Stefan whooshes, pushing Damon off Elena who was feeding her his blood. The brunette steps out, knowing that this was filled with arguing. Most of the time she didn't care but when it comes to respect, that is the most thing that she values about people and is somethings that people should have for others.

Damon walks out, guilt written all over his face "Bad move Salvatore" She mutters, tutting.

"I know".


A few hours later, the vampire finds herself at the grill with Damon and Alaric

Both the men order a drink but she declines, not in the mood for alcohol

"I screwed up".

Yeah. Yeah you did".

"Gentlemen? Why so glum?" Isabella tenses at the voice. It's his voice, not Alaric but his actual voice.

"Ugh. Klaus, I presume" Damon notices that Isabella tensed up when she heard the person speak.

"In the flesh". Her heart starts to beat, scared to look around and fall into his blue eyes.

Klaus looks at Alaric "Thanks for the loaner, mate".

"Any reason you stopped by to say hi?" Damon says, standing up annoyed.

"I'm told you and your brother fancy my doppelgänger. Just thought I'd remind you to not do anything you'll regret".

"Ha, Thanks for the advice. I don't suppose I could talk you into a postponement by any chance huh?".

"You are kidding?. "He is kidding, right?".

"No, not really".

"I mean, come on, what's one month in the whole grand scheme of things?".

Klaus fixes his eyes upon Isabella, irritated that she hasn't turned around and faced him or even acknowledge his presence.

"Let me be clear, I have my vampire, I have my werewolf, I have everything I need. The ritual will happen tonight. So if you want to live to see tomorrow, don't screw it up". Klaus warns them, glancing at the brunette "See you soon Bella".

When Klaus leaves, Damon and Alaric continue to talk before they go to Alaric's apartment . Isabella decides to grabs a bite to eat.

She steps outside with a man she compelled, ready to bite into the persons neck but someone snaps her neck and whooshes her somewhere.


She opens her eyes, looking around, seeing three other people. Katherine, Klaus and Damon.

"Katerina give us a moment" Katherine walks into another room, smirking at Isabella when she sees that she is awake.

"I've heard about you. The crazy, impulsive vampire in love with his brother's girl. I knew one of you would try to stop me. It was a just a 50/50 guess on who".

Klaus pulls out an electronic device, showing a video of someone . "The nice thing about werewolves is they tend to travel in packs. Need a closer look?". He throw the phone at the eldest Salvatore who recognise the person "Jules".

"When you spend a thousand years trying to break a curse. You learn a thing or two. First rule, always have a backup. Backup werewolf. Backup witch..." He waits for Damon to finish what he was saying

"Backup vampire" Damon says, earning a nod from Klaus who hears Bella sighing and speeds over, smirking. Isabella closes her eyes, wishing she was helping Elena or Damon with something rather than be in the same room with him. She doesn't notice he is near her until his voice speaks.

"Sorry love" Once again she meets with darkness.

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