Chapter Thirty | Celebrations & Conversations

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Please join the Mikaelson Family, this evening at seven o'clock. For dancing, cocktails and celebration.

This is what the note read, turning it over, there was a small note signed by Klaus

My darling Bella

Save me a dance tonight

~ Klaus

Next to the note was a box filled with another dress. Isabella wished that he would stop sending her dresses, not that she wasn't thankful but she can easily choose one for herself. As the lid was opened, the scent of roses hit her nose, causing her to smile and continue, revealing a stunning dress.  It is a light rose pink coloured gown with intricate beading across the whole length of it.

  It is a light rose pink coloured gown with intricate beading across the whole length of it

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(Credit to Entertainment Tonight)


Isabella walks through the doors of the mansion, smiling at some guests who stop and stare. A pair of blue eyes spot her from afar and he grins at her. The brunette makes her way over, standing next to him.

"Good evening".

"Thank you for inviting me and for the dress".

"My pleasure, you look amazing".

"You don't look bad yourself" Her eyes looks him up and down before gazing into his eyes.

"Drink?' He offers, as a waiter comes closes, holding a tray of champagne. She nods, taking a glass.

"You seem happy, Nik".

"My family is back together, the town is celebrating and you are here".Their eyes connect, both telling different stories but always showing their connection. Elijah comes by, interrupting their moment.

"Niklaus" He says, leading him along to the stair case where Bella follows and stands next to Elena, who is looking pretty in her gorgeous strapless shining silvery gown with black lace.

They both look up to the the Original family lining on the staircase, along with their mother, Esther.

"Welcome, thank you for joining us. You know whenever my mother brings our family together like this, it's tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance" Elijah glances at his siblings before continuing "Tonight's pick is a centuries-old waltz, so if all of you could please find yourselves a partner, please join us in the ballroom".

Klaus walks down, coming back to he brunette with a smile "Will you dance with me, love?".

"Yes" Her hand accepts his and they stroll into the ballroom, setting themselves in the row of partners who are going to dance. The music starts, making all of the dancers begin. The whole time, Klaus and Bella keep eye contact, occasionally making comments but mostly it is filled with a comfortable silence where flirty looks are exchanged.

When it comes to the switch of partners, Klaus places a kiss on her hand before twirling her into someone else's arms. Isabella looks up, into the eyes of Kol.

"I wondered when you would turn up" She says, smirking.

"Yes, I am known to be a troublemaker but as I remember so were you".

"Not as much nowadays".

"In the 1700s, we had a lot of fun, going through towns, partying and drinking the local townspeople".

"We did".

"Did you hear that Klaus buried me".

"He mentioned it this morning. I can't believe he did".

"At least I'm here now, thanks to Rose and Trevor".

The two continue to dance, chatting about the old days when they would pretend to be innocent humans and then rage havoc on places. Isabella feels bad for the people that she tricked and hurt but at that time her emotions were off. During time when she was buried and desiccating, it flipped back on.


"Good Evening, Ladies and Gentleman. Waiters are coming around with champagne. I invite you all to join me in raising a glass. It provides me with no greater joy then to see my family back together as one. I'd like to thank you all for being part of this spectacular evening. Cheers!".

Everybody shouts cheers before drinking their red tinged champagne. Klaus clinks his glass with Bella's before drinking. When the champagne is gone, the hybrid leads her to another room filled with paintings.

"These are yours? I hardly remember you painting back in the 1400s".

"I kept them hidden, only letting you see one or two".

"I remember one that you painted, you gave me a portrait of myself this you had done".

"Yes, one of my favourites".

"I've thought everything over, Klaus and I forgive you". His blue eyes light up. "For everything".

"Thank you, that means a lot to me"

"Klaus" Bella steps forward, her lips close to his. Her eyes flicker from his eyes and back to his lips before leaning in. He kisses back, passionately, letting a smile onto his face as they both pull away. The brunette looks up, a smile on her face and kisses him on the cheek swiftly before leaving.

Her smile turns into a frown as she witnesses someone being thrown down on the ground outside. Stefan and Elena come running out to where Damon now stands near an unconscious Kol. "Damon! Are you crazy?" The rest of the Mikaelson family make their way over, Isabella joins them, looking at the others.

Damon then leaves, with Elena and Stefan following soon after. Elijah picks up Kol, bringing him inside and telling the guests that the party is over.

"Can I stay over? I don't feel like staying at the Salvatore house tonight" Isabella says, unsure if he would let her but he answers with a nod. "Of course you can, love".

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