Chapter Twenty Two | Bonfire Bloodlust

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"Well, this is cute" Isabella exclaims, walking out of her room and into the main room where Stefan and a few girls are playing Twister. There is blood on the Twister mat.

"Uh oh. Alexandra, left hand please" Stefan says before looking at the brunette "Good morning Isabella". Damon walks into the room, an annoyed look on his face. "Hey, the two brunettes on the staircase owe me a Persian rug".

"You mean, they owe us a Persian rug? It's my house too brother. Ooh! Would either of you like a spin?". Both of the vampires shake their head.

"So this is what Klaus had in mind when he compelled you to protect Elena?".

"These ladies are helping me be all that I can be".

Damon goes to open the front door when someone knocks. The blonde Original walks in, carrying shopping bags. "Where's Stefan?".

"Oh great, it's you" Isabella mutters, letting out a sigh.

"Yes it's me, don't look so grumpy, darling".

"Who the hell are you?" Damon exclaims.

"He left me here. My brother actually left me here".

"Oh I'm sorry. Your tone implies that I'm actually supposed to care" Stefan says from the couch.

"You're Klaus's sister?".

"Rebekah. Pleasure I'm sure. Which one's my room?".

"You're not staying here". Rebekah looks at the others who show no sign of help. "Rude. All of you. I'll see to it myself". The blonde heads towards the stairs.

"So I guess she's staying here" Stefan stands up "I'm off to school, see you".

"Have fun with that" The brunette vampire says.


Bella joins the rest of the group as they discuss things in Alaric's classroom at the high school.

"I'll lure Stefan away from the bonfire. Then when he's distracted...".

"I'll shoot him".

"Can't Bonnie just ju-ju him or something?".

"I'm trying to keep Bonnie out of this. I don't trust that Stefan won't hurt her. Caroline, are you covered?".

"Yes! I will make sure that the old Forbes jail cell is prepped and ready".

"We're forgetting a key player here. Rebekah? Wherever Stefan goes, the blonde ponytail tends to follow".

"Which is why it's your job to keep her away". The brunette vampire watches all of them think through their plan.

"How?! She's an Original. Last time I checked, we're out of daggers".

"So then preoccupy her with your charm". Isabella snorts in the background, earning a glare from the Salvatore.

"Might have better luck finding the dagger".

,Are you ever not going to be mad at me for a day?".


Tyler Lockwood walks in "Sorry I'm late. What's going on?",

"We need you to raid your mom's vervain supply. Enough to keep Stefan down for a while".

"You can't do that to Stefan".

"Why not?"

"Trust me, Tyler, it's in his best interest".

"Yeah. It's not in Klaus's".

"Ugh who cares" Bella says, leaning against the wall.

"But Klaus is the bad guy, Tyler. You know, why are you acting like some freaky, hybrid, slave minion",

"Because he is" Isabella adds in along with Damon's  "Uh-oh".


"Klaus made me who I am, Caroline. I owe him everything".

"Oh boy" The brunette vampire chuckles, standing up straight.

"Okay, can we cool it on the commentary please"

"What is going on?".

"I'm just going to go" Tyler says awkwardly, turning around but before he can leave, Damon stabs him with a vervain dart which makes him collapse.

"What are you doing?!".

"He's been sired". All of the others faces share a puzzled look, making him continue. "Sired. He feels loyal to Klaus because Klaus's blood created him".

"Loyal how?".

"He'll seek acceptance from his master. It's really rare. But maybe not so much in hybrids".

"So how do I fix him?".

"Get a new boyfriend".

"Okay, let's just go to this bonfire" Bella says, making her way past Tyler's body.


Isabella joins Elena who is drinking, whilst leaning against a tree and staring at Damon and Rebekah. The vampire of the two listens into the flirting happening between the Salvatore and the blonde Original while Elena watches

"No, you're just looking at it all wrong. This is a little rough on the outside" Damon pulls off a layer of the marshmallow "But the inside...yum".

"Mmm. It's good".


The brunette vampire looks at the doppelgänger who has a jealous look on her face while sipping from her cup. Stefan comes up behind Elena "What's that look?"

"What look?".

"My brother's got his flirt on, and you're jealous".

"I'm not jealous".

"It's all right. Be jealous by all means. I'm sure Damon will be thrilled".

"I'm  not jealous, Stefan"

"Oh yes she is" Bella quips, smirking before her attention is drawn back to the fireside where Rebekah just stabbed Damon with a stick. "Damn".

"Anyway, enjoy your weird tension flirting thingy, you guys have going on. See you" Isabella says, leaving them to go back to the Salvatore house. Her hunger rises as she walks back through the party, amongst the guests. Veins creep under her eyes and her fangs begin to appear.

A young woman offers her a drink of some sort of alcohol but all she can hear is the woman's blood pumping through her veins. The vampire leans down, making eye contact. "Relax, don't scream and come with me" She compels.

Once they make it a little further from the party, Isabella can't stop herself from diving her fangs into the woman's neck, drinking in the fresh, delicious blood. After a moment of drinking, she pulls away with the person looking at her. Bella bites into her wrist, feeding the woman some blood to help her heal before compelling her to forget and go back to the party.


Thank you for reading! :)

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