The School Bully

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Logan was a school bully. He bullies many girls. All the girls at school do not like him because he would annoy them and keep following them around even when the girls tell him to stop. Logan does not respect others; when the teacher tells him off he would smile, laugh and grin. 

"Logan!" his teacher yelled, "you have always been mean to others. No wonder you don't have many friends." 

Logan would grin and laugh out loud. 

One day in the school playground, Logan saw a little girl feeling proud with her mermaid doll. Logan immediately chased her and attempted to grab it. Once Logan snatched the mermaid doll, the girl burst into tears rushing to her teacher and gave a big hug. 

"Please give Rebecca's doll back now." Her teacher asked Logan with polite manners. 

Logan wouldn't want to give it back. So the teacher took it off him and gave it to Rebecca. 

After seeing Logan confiscating Rebecca's doll, his friends; Joel, Chris and Albert were now wanting to not be his friend because they are worried he causes too much trouble and would give a bad influence. Logan began to cry and that made him stop bullying others especially little girls ever again. 

Moral: You should never be mean to others.

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