Kathryn and Rachel

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Kathryn and Rachel are both best friends. They knew each other since they were born and they always love to do things together. 

One day, Kathryn invited Rachel to play tennis. Kathryn was very good as she kept on hitting the ball without missing it. When Rachel was playing, she would miss hitting the ball and could not serve. 

"I wish I was good in tennis like you, Kathryn." Rachel said. 

Another day, Rachel invited Kathryn to her house to listen to her play piano. Rachel was able to play the piano beautifully. Kathryn would keep failing as she would play a whole load of random keys which does not sound tuneful. 

"I wish I could play the piano like you, Rachel." Kathryn said. 

The girls then thought of an idea to practice on what they are not good at by themselves. Rachel constantly practised tennis until she could hit the ball but after many times, her hand got tired and she was disappointed that she was unable to hit one ball over the net. Kathryn constantly practised playing her mini piano until it sounds perfect, but it would all go very messy and untuneful. 

"This is so hard!!!" The girls shouted when they were practising their activity. 

The next day, they practised their activity again. Kathryn invited Rachel to her house because she wanted to show Rachel she can play piano too. When Rachel arrived, she had plenty of bandages. 

"RACHEL!!!" Kathryn gasped, "what happened? Did you hurt yourself? Anyways, I am going to play you a song on the piano. 

Rachel sat and listened. The piano was sounding all messy as Rachel covered her ears. 

"Ah," she yelled, "I don't think I can hear a tune! Well, it's okay. I got these bandages from tennis. I was practising for hours non-stop because I wanted to get the ball over the net but I could not manage it." 

"Don't worry, Rachel." Kathryn smiled, "why don't we help each other?" 

Rachel agreed. 

Then, Kathryn taught Rachel how to play tennis while Rachel taught Kathryn how to play piano. That's why their friendship maintains for a long time. 

Moral: Always help others in need 

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