Study or Socialize

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Olivia was a very hard-working girl who studies every day. She does not get much of a chance to go out with her friends. However, her mean neighbour Mary was the complete opposite. She spends most of her time socializing and going out with friends and does not study. She gets detentions and low marks on her tests. 

Mary does not care about her studies and teases Olivia saying she has no friends, because she does not go out which makes Olivia angry and upset. 

"Olivia is such a loner, she never goes out with friends," Mary said telling her friends. 

Olivia heard and decided not to shout and get angry or upset. Instead, she went over to Mary saying she wants to study and work hard. 

Next week, was exams week for both girls. It was on English, Maths, Science, Geography and History. Despite that, Mary was still socializing with her friends. 

After the exams week, it was time to get results. Mary was very anxious about her results as well as Olivia. 

"Mary Williamson," their teacher Mr. Rose bellowed giving her the results back. "What do you think of this? This is very disappointing. I want your parents to come see me about this! Also, you will be redoing all the exams. If you fail again, you will be forced to study afterschool every day!" 

Mary looked at her results in shock. She failed in all her tests scoring below 30% in everything.

Everyone else now  got their results except for Olivia.

"Olivia Harrison," Mr. Rose barked, as Olivia was standing up feeling very startled. "You have the highest possible score in all the tests. You got a 100% stamp in all your exams. So we are going to have an assembly to celebrate your success!" 

Olivia smiled and felt so proud. Everyone was clapping their hands except for Mary as she was feeling very unhappy. 

"Olivia," Mary asked approaching her, "I feel so bad for teasing you about not socializing. I really enjoy socializing, but I want to pass my exams. How did you get 100 marks in everything?" 

"Well Mary," Olivia replied. "It's not really your fault for teasing me. I always study, but if you are redoing I can help you with some work. In order to get high marks, I study a lot. I suggest you spend less time socializing and more time on your studies."

Mary thought for a while, "maybe I should start studying like you say. Socializing is good, but need to find the right balance."

"Oh Mary," Olivia laughed. "Good luck with this and I am always happy to help you."

The girls laughed together and Mary knew to prioritize studies and then socializing.

Moral: When you get older,  work comes first, then friendships 

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