Chapter 37

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I wake up to my alarm blaring. Ugh why!
Get up Clarissa, you have 3 more days until the weekend.

I turn off my alarm and I get up. Alexis walks in my room smiling. She says "So, a little birdy reminded me something interesting." I reply "What?" She replies "You're going out of town this weekend by yourself. I totally forgot. So, wanna get our nails done after school and maybe go shopping as well?" I answer "Sure that would be amazing. Who was the birdy?" She replies "My phone actually. It made a birdy noise because that was the ringer I chose." I laugh and she laughs as well. She exclaims "Dress nice, since we are going to have a girl's day after school. That reminds me tell Xander we are going to drive to school this morning because we want to have a girl's day. I'll tell Alexander." I nod and reply "Sounds good."

I text Xander Apparently I'm having a girl's day with Alexis after school, so I won't need a ride to and from school. He texts back Okay:( I text back Sorry. See you at lunch? He texts back Yes:)

I close my phone and I get ready. I put on blue jean shorts and a cute pink short sleeved shirt. I put on some jewelry and I go out for breakfast. I see Alexis walk in and we make breakfast.

After we eat, I finish getting ready. I put my purse in my backpack and I put on my sandals. I then walk to the door and Alexis comes in a minute later. We leave and we lock up the apartment. We go down the stairs and we get in my car. I start the car and we start driving. Alexis asks "How are you and Xander?" I answer "We're doing good. We have dates usually once or twice a weekend. We always check on each other and we make each other happy. I really like him and I'm glad we're dating. How are you and Alexander?" Alexis replies "Well you two are adorable together. Alexander and I go on dates almost every weekend as well. Alexander always wants to make out or go clubbing. I literally have to push him away sometimes, but then he'll do something so sweet and I'll remember why I'm dating him." I ask "So, are you happy with him or no?" She answers "Yes I'm very happy with him. I just wish he could control himself a little." I nod and keep driving. Oh how I miss riding with Xander. He always has such a good attitude and I like talking with him or sitting in silence with him. I mean riding with Alexis is fun, but she always talks relationships.

We arrive at school and we get out of the car. We walk up and we walk to class. I wave bye to Alexis and I go into Business and Accounting. I turn in my work and I pull out my notes. The teacher walks in and we begin...

After class, I pack my backpack up and I head to Personal Finance, which I have with Alexis. She's already in class, so I walk in and take my seat next to her. We had no homework last class, but apparently we are about to get loads soon. Or at least that's what we were told. Class begins...

We get a packet of work and I put it in my backpack. Well I guess I'll have something to do as I wait for my flight. Alexis and I walk out and I ask her "I'm thinking Tacos for today's Tuesday lunch." She answers "Yes definitely. Taco Bell?" I nod and she smiles. The boys walk up and Xander immediately comes for a hug. I hug him back and he says "I missed being able to drive you this morning." I kiss him on the cheek and reply "Aw. Xander I missed you too." I release from the hug and Alexis says "Clarissa and I decided Taco Bell for lunch, so see you both there." They both nod and we head to our cars. I unlock the car and we get in. I start the car and we drive to Taco Bell. As I'm driving, Alexis says "Alexander is already there and he said the line is super long. He is driving through and he called Xander. They are both on board with buying the food and eating at a park nearby. I told him we are good with it as well." I nod and reply "I'm good with it." She nods and I keep driving. I pull into the drive thru line. I ask "What do you want Alexis?" She answers "2 soft tacos and Mountain Dew." I nod and I pull up. I order her meal and mine. I'm getting two crunchy tacos and Mountain Dew.

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