Chapter 8

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Tori didn't get home till 9 o'clock that night. After they left the venue and got back to Big Hit, she stayed back and talked to the boys while they were also congratulated for their great performance. Tori was also congratulated but she felt like she didn't deserve it as much as BTS.

When she arrived back to her dorm she didn't realise how tired she was till she was inside. 'How could you be tired? You didn't do anything today' she thought to herself as she headed for her room.

"Your home!" Maki said when Tori entered their room. "The performance was amazing."

Tori was confused but remembered that the performance was streamed on TV. "Yeah, they did so well." Tori then pretty much collapsed on her bed.

"How are you so tired? Wouldn't you have just watch all day?" Maki said looking at Tori.

Tori rolled over so she could see Maki, "I know, I don't understand either."

There was a moment of silence before Maki asked another question, "So did anything interesting happen backstage?" she then smirked at Tori.

"What? No" Tori was trying not to say anything about when she saw Jimin in the mirror.

"Are you sure? You look like your trying to hide something?" Maki said only growing more curious.

"Nothing happened... But I saw Jimin changing" Tori knew she couldn't lie to Maki and she knew Maki would understand; hopefully.

"OMG! Did you see anything? You know... anything?" Maki then signalled to her crouch.

"No... No" Tori said disturbed that Maki thought of that straight away. "I saw... I saw him without his shirt on. That's it" Tori then felt her cheeks warming up.

"Oh don't be so innocent" Maki said seeing Tori's disgust. "It's not like you haven't seen one before. Anyway, was his body hot?"

Maki seemed so into the conversation. She wanted to know every detail. "I mean he does have a six pack" Tori said smiling.

"Nice." That's all Maki said in reply.


It had been a week since the performance. Nothing too major was going on with BTS but they still practiced as if they were about to perform.

Tori always found herself really tired at the end of the day, so she hadn't stayed back after hours. Her and Jimin also didn't have very many conversations between each other unless it was teasing one another about dancing or teasing one of the other members.

It was lunch time and everyone was sitting together in the practice room (only Tori and BTS). They were all joking around and talking while they ate. Tori then remembered something she forgot to do on the first day.

"Oh shit, Guys I forgot to get your phone numbers on the first day" She said as they all looked at her. "Well can I get them now?" she started feeling embarrassed about it.

"Sure thing" V said as he grabbed her phone from her.

They past it around the circle that they were sitting in and Tori laughed at each of them because they all took pictures to save with their numbers.

Suga was the last person before Tori's phone was returned. She looked through them laughing at all the pictures. She laughed the most at V's and J-hope's.

"Thanks" she said after she had calmed down a bit.

(I'm not going to put pictures of what I want them to be, you think/imagine of the pictures that you would want them to set.)


It was around 6:30 that night. Tori was surprised that she didn't feel tired that night. She was also really happy that she'd be able to practice her dancing before going home.

It had been such a long time since she had practiced some dances that she forgot some of the moves. She spent a large amount of her time just trying to remember the dances.

"Having fun?" Tori heard from behind her. She got surprised by the voice because she didn't hear anyone enter the room.

"Oh, it's just you" she said when she saw Jimin's face. "You scared me" Tori said then placing her hand over her heart which was racing.

"Sorry" Jimin said with a small laugh. He always found her so cute.

"What are you doing here?" Tori questioned.

"I came back to see if you were here. I wanted to spend more time with you" Jimin said in a really cute way.

"Okay..." Tori said unsure of why he would want to.

"So what are you working on?" Jimin said as he moved in front of the mirror, Tori turned and followed him with her eyes.

"Just some solo routines but I haven't practiced in a while so there a bit messy" she said while rubbing the back of one of her shoulders.

"Well can I help?" Jimin questioned full of energy.

"Um I'm not sure" Tori was unsure if she could handle being alone with Jimin.

"Well if you want we could always work on other dances instead" Jimin said thinking that she probably didn't want help on her solo dances.

"Okay" Tori said as she forced a smile.

'Don't do anything' she said to herself as her and Jimin started to go through some music.

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