Chapter 47

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Jimin and Taehyung got back to the dorm around 9:30 Monday night. They had a long day full of practice and a couple fan meetings. The other members were busy doing extra things back at the Big Hit building, so Jimin and Taehyung decided to leave since they weren't needed.

Jimin was so exhausted. Even though it was only Monday he had spent his weekend practicing, trying to keep his mind occupied instead of thinking about Tori. She'd been away 6 weeks today and Jimin kept distracting himself with practice so he wouldn't miss her as much.

Jimin went straight to his room and crawled into his bed once taking off his jeans. He was almost asleep when he heard the door open. He guested it was just Taehyung and ignored it while trying to sleep.

Jimin was laying on his stomach when he felt the bed sink on the side his face wasn't facing.

"Let me sleep, please" Jimin said not wanting to be disturbed.

But who he guested was Taehyung didn't leave instead moved so now they had a knee on each side of Jimin's body but wasn't sitting on him.

"Piss off Taehyung" Jimin groans getting annoyed that the person wasn't leaving. He was also confused about the position Taehyung seemed to put himself in. 'Why would he pretty much be straddling my back?' Jimin questioned in his head.

The person didn't move and Jimin was getting more frustrated. He was about to use the rest of his energy to get this person to leave him alone but before he could he felt a soft kiss on the back of his neck.

At first he was confused and a bit weirded out because he thought the person was Taehyung but once he heard a small laugh he knew exactly who the person was.

"Tori?" he questioned unable to fully believe she might actually be there.

"Mm" she hummed moving so Jimin could see her.

Jimin quickly sat up and pulled her into his arms. Tori snuggled her face into Jimin's neck surprised at how much she missed his scent.

They hugged for a while as Tori was now straddling Jimin, face still snuggled into him. Jimin pulled away so he could see her face.

"I missed you" he said observing her face while cupping her cheeks.

She smiled shyly, "I missed you too."

Jimin smiled before leaning in for a kiss. After the first ended Jimin kissed her again, he missed the feeling of her soft lips.

While there lips were still against each other, Jimin shifted and laid Tori on the bed while he hovered over her. Once the kiss broke Jimin studied Tori face again.

"What?" she said quietly looking up at his eyes.

"You're just so beautiful" he said before attaching his lips to hers again. He felt her smile before he moved down to kiss her neck.

Before either of them could go any further Taehyung came through the door making them both stop.

"What the hell Tae? Can't you leave us alone for a while?" Jimin questioned moving off Tori, as she sat up too.

Taehyung avoid eye contact for a second because of the position they were in but then focused on Jimin. "I just thought I better warn you the walls are paper thin and I didn't really want to hear what was going on" he said awkwardly before leaving the room.

"Well that's awkward" Tori said making Jimin look back at her. She smiled at him making him smile at her.

There was silence before she spoke up again. "Weren't you really tired before I came in here?" she questioned.

"Yeah but I was happy to use the rest of my energy on you" he said kissing her again before laying down.

Tori laughed lightly before laying down next to him, placing a leg over his body while one of his arms was under her neck.

More silence surrounded them, as Tori thought Jimin fell asleep but then he spoke up again.

"How'd you get in here?" He questioned quietly as his free hand rubbed her leg lightly.

"I called Taehyung and asked him to let me in... I guest he won't be mad at me for the 'kiss'" Tori said and used her hand that was on his chest to make air quotes.

Jimin moved his free hand up and entwined his fingers with hers. "They're not mad at you. They were just annoyed that it happened... Namjoon got mad after about 2 weeks but he cooled down" Jimin explained.

"That's good" Tori said and smiled looking at their hands, "I don't want to lose any of you guys."

"You never will" Jimin said then yarned.

Tori looked up and smiled at sleepy Jimin before she snuggled closer to him as they both fell asleep.

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