Chapter 41

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Tori watched the screen of the broadcast as the scores were added up. This was BTS's last broadcast of their promotions and promotions so far had been going great. They had received first place on all of the other broadcasts they had been on and if they won tonight it would finish of the week wonderfully.

The computer finished adding the score's and... BTS won! The waiting room which had all the BTS staff in it suddenly became very noisy as everyone cheered and celebrated for their final win.

Tori continued to watch the screen as the boys celebrated on stage. They were doing something silly that the fans seemed to really like. Tori couldn't help but watch Jimin being all cute for the fans. He's so adorable.

He had been so supportive of Tori's decision to take the promotion. He was extra glad that she was able to get more time to work with BTS before starting her new duties but he was slightly annoyed when she kept postponing telling the other members about the promotion.

Tori just couldn't find the right time and there was no way she was going to tell them tonight or tomorrow at the bar. At this rate they were going to find out on Monday when she leaves them.

Anyway... BTS came into the room thanking staff members and the staff congratulating them. Some of the members also gave Tori a hug which she gladly accepted and hugged them back. Jimin hugged her last and his lasted for a little longer than the other members but Tori broke it not wanting to draw any attention to them.

"Congratulations" she said giving him a smile.

He just smiled in responses.


BTS and Tori were walking back to their places and as per usual Jimin stayed back with Tori. Tori was slightly surprised because she thought he would want to stay with the other members tonight after their final win for the album.

But no there he was saying goodbye to the others and watching them disappear down the street. Tori couldn't help but think how thankful she is to have someone like him in her life.

"Tori?" Jimin said snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Ah... yeah" she said and smiled embarrassingly knowing she spaced out for a second.

"Before we go in I wanted to tell you something" he said and fiddled with his fingers.

"Mm" Tori said grabbing Jimin's hands. She had no idea what he was about to say but seeing him this nervous she somehow knew it wasn't bad news.

"I told you the other week I wanted this weekend to be special and that starts tonight" he said giving her a cute smile.

Tori smiled before looking away, blushing. 'What could he have planned if he was busy this whole week?'

"So the first surprise is up in your room" he said before leading her inside.

Once they were in the apartment and in front of her bedroom door he stopped. She looked up at him curiously.

"You go in first" he said moving aside.

Tori reached out for the handle but before opening she looked back at Jimin. He gave her a smile as she finally turned the handle.

She opened the door and was amazed to see what was inside. Somehow someone had hung fairy lights all along her roof, giving the room a dim blue light. She continued to look at her room and spotted some snacks on her bed along with some flowers. She smiled at what she saw.

She looked back at Jimin who also seemed surprised by the room. He looked so adorable admiring the room.

"You know you're a fluff ball right?" Tori said making him look at her. She gave him a smile and he returned her with one.

"This is the start of my anniversary gifts to you" he said not denying her comment and moving further into the room.

"But how'd you do all of this... You've been at work all day" Tori said giving him a back hug.

"I got some help but this was all my idea" he said.

"I love it" Tori said quietly into his back, "But why fairy lights?"

Jimin turned around so he was now facing her. He gave her a peck before answering.

"Can't it just be because I love you and it's almost been a year of being together?"

"I get that that's part of the reason but why fairy light?" she said softly caressing his cheeks in her hands.

Instead of answering Jimin pulled her over to the bed and laid down on it. Tori looked at him confused for a second but he patted the space next to him and she immediately laid down next to him.

"Fairy light's because I know it's been difficult being a couple only behind closed doors and this was the closest I could get to looking at the night sky with my girlfriend without worrying" he said still looking up at the lights.

Tori was looking at the light but as he was explaining she could help but turn her head to look at him. She wouldn't call this relationship difficult because she loved Jimin and only being behind closed doors was good enough if it meant she could be with him.

"I love you" she said which made him look at her.

"I love you too" he said before kissing her.

As the kiss progressed Tori was now on top of Jimin. As she pulled away from the kiss she pulled gently on his lower lip. He smirked at her as she removed her top.

"Tori?" he said softly while she began kissing his neck.

"Mm" she hummed.

"Can I eat some snacks before we do this?" he said making Tori sit up and look at him.

"Yah! You could have done that before I started undressing myself" she said playfully hitting him as he laughed under her.

He sat up so their faces were centimetres apart and Tori was still straddling him.

"Don't worry we can continue this after I have some snacks" he said and pecked her lips.

Tori rolled her eyes playfully before moving off him before grabbing a bag of snacks for herself, receiving a chuckle from Jimin.

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