Chapter 22

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"So yeah, that's why I don't open up to people that easily. I'm scared I'll get hurt again" Jimin said after finishing his story.

Tori sat beside him unsure how she should react. Jimin just told her a big story about how he used to be bullied for his appearance. He explained that was why he lost so much weight since debut, because he was worried the bullying would start again or the fans wouldn't accept him. Jimin also explained how he was always scared of what people would think of him, but he found it strange when he didn't worry around it Tori.

"Please say something" Jimin said quietly after Tori didn't respond.

"How am I supposed to respond to that?" Tori said looking up at Jimin. "I'm sorry that happen to you..."

Jimin was looking down at the bed, pulling at the blanket. "I've never told anyone the whole story like that."

"You didn't need to explain everything, if you didn't want to" Tori said still unsure of what she should be saying to him.

"No, I'm glad I did...." Jimin said as he looked up at Tori. Tori smiled slightly at him.

"I feel like I need to tell you more secrets after that" Tori said making Jimin smile.

"You can do that later, let's get some rest now" Jimin said as he laid down.

Tori crawled under the blanket and moved closer to Jimin. Before she laid down she kissed him. She then laid down next to him, hugging him. Jimin also placed an arm under her neck, and they both fell asleep.


Tori woke up first. She grabbed her phone from the bedside table and checked the time. She tried to be careful and not wake Jimin up. It was 8:15, lucky it was their day off or they would have been late for work.

As Tori moved back Jimin woke up. He looked at Tori with sleep eyes then rubbed them with his hands.

"Good morning" Tori said quietly, sitting up completely.

"Morning" Jimin said after a yarn.

"Did you sleep okay?" Tori asked. She still felt unsure what to say to Jimin after what he told her last night.

"Yeah, you?" Jimin asked, sitting up to face her.

Tori just nodded.

Their faces were centimetres apart again after Jimin sat up. They sat for a moment, Jimin was looking at Tori's face but she couldn't hold his gaze and looked down.

"What's wrong?" Jimin asked.

"I just can't stop thinking about what you told me last night" Tori said still looking down.

"Don't worry about it Tori" he said as he lifted her chin to see her face. "It happened a long time ago."

"But you only debuted almost 4 years ago and you said you felt like the fans wouldn't accept you, so you purposely lost heaps of weight" Tori said grabbing his hand from her chin.

Jimin didn't know what to say back to her. She was right, every so often he does feel like people are judging him just like the bullies but she was different. He never felt that way with her.

"Maybe we just have to change the topic completely" Jimin said looking at her face, and then giving her a smirk.

Tori gave a small smile. She leaned over and kissed him. Jimin was impatient and bit Tori's lip as the first kiss was about to break. Tori backed off slightly so Jimin could see her smile. She didn't feel nervous like she did last night.

She then leaned back in for another kiss and while the kiss continued Tori laid down on her back, making Jimin move to be on top of her again (same position they were in the previous night). Jimin's tongue then entered Tori's mouth. Jimin ran his hands up the sides of Tori's body again, as a small moan escaped Tori's mouth.

Jimin smiled as Tori giggled slightly at the noise. They continued as Tori ran her hands up Jimin's bare back, Jimin also started to kiss Tori down her neck. Another moan escaped Tori's mouth and she felt Jimin smile against her neck.

Jimin stopped and looked up at her, "Your moans are so cute" he said making them both smile.

Jimin continued to kiss her down her neck and on to her collarbones, and just as Tori thought they were actually going to have sex Jimin's phone started ringing. They both looked over at it but Jimin ignored it and started kissing Tori again. The kisses were very intense and passionate.

But Jimin's phone rang another 2 times, and when it rang the third he finally answered it.

"What?" Jimin said into the phone. He had looked and saw that it was Taehyung trying to call him, and he was annoyed that he interrupted what was happening. (That horny bugger)

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