Chapter 36

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The manager left the bathroom first leaving Tori there unsure if she convinced him or not. She wished Jimin was there to help explain, she felt like she might of left something out which would of help to persuade him.

Tori took a deep breath before leaving to go back to rehearsal. Luckily while she was gone the boys were able to go through sound checks and everything she wasn't need for. Jimin quickly spotted Tori's return and walked over to her before they started practicing.

"Where'd you go?" he said with a small smile.

Tori had been gone for a while. "To the bathroom" She answered. She didn't want to worry Jimin anymore about what had just happened... or get his hopes up that things might be okay.

"Okay BTS we'll start now" a staff member said as everyone went to where they were supposed to be. Tori stood up the front watching BTS dance, making sure they used the stage to the best of their abilities to make the performance the best for the fans.

And as always they were perfect.


It was half an hour before the concert. Tori had felt uneasy all day because the manager still hasn't said anything. She was trying her hardest to forget about it as she sat in the hair and makeup room.

She was getting her hair and makeup done because her and Jimin's duet made it on the set list. This was part of the reason she couldn't leave yet because she had a chance to be on stage in front of a giant audience.

The duet wasn't until half way through the concert but she was always ready before hand.

"Tori!!" a staff member said walking into the room. They seemed to be stressing over something.

"What is it?" Tori asked looking at the staff member through the mirror.

"One of the dancers was practicing and slipped and twisted their ankle. We need you to go on in their place" they said.

Tori was surprised. She then thought of all the choreography she would have to do. She exhaled a long breath.

"Whose spot is it?" she asked, agreeing to do it.

The staff member began telling her about whose spot it was and which dances she would be involved in, which was a lot.

"Okay, okay... I've got it" Tori said.

She walked out of the hair and makeup room and headed for the wardrobe room.

She walked in and some of the stylists were surprised to see her there. She explained what happened and they got her ready for the concert.

(Idk where I'm going with this chapter... I think I'm just fulfilling Tori's dream)

Five minutes until the concert starts. Tori could already hear all the fans. She was waiting in a room with the rest of the dancers... and she was the only girl. They had to rearrange some of the choreography to make her fit in but everything seemed to be going okay.

Jimin walk past the room and smiled when he saw her. He then gestured for her to come over to him.

"What is it?" she asked while smiling at him.

"You look cute in the dancer's clothes" he said quietly looking her up and down.

The stylist had to find a hat for her to wear since her blonde hair would get in the way and she would also look out of place, and the clothes she was wearing were a guys but oddly they pretty much fit her. It was strange that Jimin was calling her cute.

Tori smiled at him. "I'm going to be wrecked by the end of this show."

"And if not I can wreck you completely" he said with a smirk before leaving for the stage.

Tori shook her head, 'He's so over the top.'


It was the end. All Tori wanted to do was collapse on her bed and sleep. She loved dancing but she hadn't danced that much in a long time. Tori did love the feeling of dancing on a stage though and dancing to all the songs did make her feel amazing.

She was driven back to the hotel with some staff members and headed straight to her room. She fell onto her bed and just laid there for a few seconds thinking about everything that had happened. The manager then came to her mind. She still didn't know what he's going to do.

There was a knock at the door. Tori slowly got up off her bed as the knocks continued and became more frequent.

"I'm coming" she yelled. She now knew who it was... The one and only Park Jimin.

She opened the door and Jimin walked in as soon as he could. He walk all the way though the room until he was at the bed.

"What do you want?" Tori asked jokingly.

"Nothing" he said and moved closer to Tori to kiss her. He quickly tried to make it more passionate but Tori broke it.

"Why are you so full of energy?" she said as she looked up at his eyes.

"Why? Are you tired?" he said and wrapped his arms around her waist.

Tori pouted and nodded her head. Jimin gave her a small peck.

"Well we better go to sleep then" he said as he let go of her and started taking off his clothes before getting in bed.

Tori couldn't help but watch him. She snapped out of it and started changing too, this time not in the bathroom. She learnt from last night that it didn't matter.

They were both lying in bed. Tori snuggled up next to Jimin; she could feel her eyes getting heavy but remembered what happened with the manager.

"Jimin?" she said softly.

"Mm" he hummed.

"Manager-nim might not have told PD-nim yet."

"What?" Jimin said. He thought the manager call PD as soon as he left this morning.

"We talked when I went to the bathroom today... that's why I took so long. He gave me a chance to explain" she said then yarned.

"Well do you know if he'll tell or not?" Jimin asked hoping everything would be okay and nothing would happen to their careers or their relationship.

"He didn't –"Tori was cut off by Jimin's phone.

Jimin turned on the light and grabbed his phone. He opened the message.

"It's from manager-nim" Jimin said as he sat up to read the message.

Tori suddenly felt more awake. This could be really good news or the worst thing to happen to her today.

Jimin was taking his sweet time on telling her what was happening and she was getting impatient.

"Well what does it say?" she said as she sat up.


(I'm going to leave it here... sorry if everything up until the end wasn't good but it happen and it's not going to change... And boi this is a long chapter. I just could find a good place to end it)

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