Meeting The Family

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"Hose me off please?" I asked. "Good idea. My mom would kill me if I bought mud in the house," he said. "On second thought I think I'm good," I joked. "Remind me to never let you think twice," he said laughing.

As we walked back there was a lady and a little girl playing near the hose. The lady looked at us as we approached them.

"Hayes? Care to explain?" she asked with her hands on her hips. "Give me a second," he said. He began walking towards her with his head down.

They walked off a ways before they started to talk. I went over to the little girl. She was playing with Legos. "Hi," I said. "Hi," she repeated. She looked me up and down curiously. "Why are you covered in mud?" she asked.

I opened my mouth to speak when I heard Hayes answer for me. "Hey, Skylynn. I wrestled her in the mud and won," he winked. I glared at him. "I almost got you," I said. "But you didn't," he taunted.

I looked over at the lady. "Hi, I'm Olivia. I just moved into the closest house next to yours," I said. "Nice to meet you Olivia. I'm Hayes' mom. You can call me Elizabeth," she replied extending her hand to me.

"I would shake your hand, but mine's covered in mud," I said. I showed her my hands bashfully. "That's okay," she laughed. She reached out and shook my hand anyway. "We are on a farm. It happens all the time," she chuckled. Her laugh was the same as Hayes'.

February 20 2017

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