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"What did you want to show me anyways?" I asked.

We were still laying on a bunch of leaves belonging to the bed of the forest. Twigs were digging into my back, but I really didn't care.

"I really just wanted to see how long you could keep up with me for," Hayes let out a small laugh, "but then I wound up losing you and I started to get nervous." I turned my head to to the side so I could look at him.

"Aww you got scared when you couldn't find me," I teased. "Actually I got nervous not scared. I knew that you would find me or the way back to my house, eventually," he said running a hand through his thick hair. "Well I did find you," I smiled. "Yeah you did," he replied. Hayes wasn't able to hide the small smile appearing on his lips.

I cleared my throat and inquired, "How did I do?" "How did you do with what?," he asked turning to look at me. "With keeping up with you," I added. "You lasted longer than I thought you would with those short legs,: he replied with a smirk. Hayes looked back up at the sky. "I'm not that short," I said. "Yeah you are," he teased. I punched him as hard as I could in his arm, and jumped to my feet.

"Stand up," I ordered. Hayes slowly got to his feet. I knew that he was messing with me by making me impatient on purpose. I started to tap my foot against the dirt floor trying to tell him to hurry up without actually saying anything.

When he was finally standing on his own two feet I closed the gap between us. I looked straight ahead of me to where his chest was located. I couldn't help the light blush that spread on my cheeks when I notice all of the muscles that made up his chest and arms.

"You're shorter," Hayes said looking down at me. I tilted my head upward so I was looking him in the eyes. "I come up to your collar bone though," I replied. "Still shorter," he smirked. "Whatever," I retorted rolling my eyes. I took a step backwards putting some space between us again.

"We should probably leave the woods and start heading back," he suddenly said. "Why? Is Bigfoot gonna come after us now that the sun has started to set," I joked. "No, but that would be awesome. The real reason we should leave is because we've been in the woods for a long time. Alone. People could start to wonder..." Hayes said slowly drawing out the last couple of words.

I immediately felt my cheeks go on fire. Hayes noticed the panic that went through my body at his comment and started to laugh. I quickly turned around and started to walk away.

"You know what I think we should head back," I called feeling flustered. I heard Hayes laugh really loud behind me, but I didn't dare to look back at him. Instead I kept my head facing forward and continued to walk through the dense woods.

February 27 2017

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