Cold Water

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I suddenly felt cold water on my back. I turn around to see Hayes laughing. "You asked for me to," he said while he continued to laugh. I turned back to face Hayes mom and said, "Excuse me Elizabeth," Hayes had his eyes closed with his head back laughing.

I went over to him, grabbed the hose out of his hands, and sprayed him. This time Skylynn and Elizabeth start to laugh. "I thought I wasn't as strong as you?" I shouted over the sound of the water.

He went over and turned off the hose. "Your not. You just caught me off guard," he said defensively. "Well I must be super lucky to catch you off guard twice in one day," I teased.

"Skylynn come help me bake cookies," Elizabeth said. She was kneeling over so that She as Skylynn's height. "Okay," Skylynn replied. Elizabeth helped Skylynn pick up her Legos. She then picked up Skylynn and started to head towards the kitchen door leading into the house.

"Oh, Olivia," Elizabeth called from the doorway. "Yes?" I asked turning around to look at her. "You are welcome here anytime you want," She said. "Thank you Elizabeth," I replied. The lady and the little girl went into the house.

"Hey follow me I want to show you somethin'," he said right after the door fully closed. He ran off into the woods. I rolled my eyes and chased after him.

February 24 2017

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