This Is A Lot To Take In

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* Previous Chapter *

Hayes, Shawn, and I walked outside. "What's going on?" Hayes asked. I could hear traces of nervousness in his voice. I opened my mouth to speak, but Shawn beat me to it.

"I'm in love with Olivia," he blurted out. Hayes took a small step back a mixture of shocked and confusion written over his face.

* Current Chapter *

"What do you mean you're in love with Olivia? Dude you just met her this morning. And if you can't tell she's kinda my girlfriend," Hayes inquired growing tense. He had his hands balled up into fists.

I went over to him, and burned my head into his chest as he immediately wrapped his arms around my torso. I knew that Shawn and him were sharing some intense looks just by the tension in the air.

"Hayes there's a lot about Shawn and I that you don't know. We should have told you this morning, but I just couldn't. You and the rest of the boys were catching up, and I just didn't want to add something to it and mess everything up," I said.

Hayes had stiffened up so much at this poiny that it almost felt like I was holding a tree. "What is it that I need to know about the two of you?" Hayes asked. Shawn opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by Hayes who added, "I would prefer that my girlfriend explained it to me."

"Why don't we all sit down, and then I'll tell you everything?" I suggested. Shawn immediately sat down onto the dirt and dried up grass that had been underneath his feet a second before. I knew that he was thinking the same thing that I was thinking which was: now is not a great time to be testing Hayes' patience.

Since Hayes was holding me in his arms he picked me up slightly, and sat down too putting me on his lap.

"So this is what has happened between Shawn and I. I grew up with this boy, and when we got older we started to date. When my mom told me that we were moving Shawn and I broke up because we decided that being thousands of miles away from each other, and trying to maintain a relationship would be to difficult. When I moved here I fell completely head over heels for you, but I didn't know that you knew Shawn and vise versa," I explained.

Hayes was silent for a long moment processing what I had just said. "One question how long were you two together for?" Hayes finally asks breaking the silence. "Three years," I replied.

"Well this is a lot to take in so I'm gonna go for a ride while I think about this," Hayes said.

He picked me up by my hips and set me down beside him. He then stood up and started to walk away towards the end of the garage that he used to store his dirt bikes.

I was about to stand up too, and go after him when I heard Shawn's voice. "Give him a few minutes before going after him. He needs to comprehend what we just told him," he said. I just nodded while watching Hayes drive off. Probably to the track I thought.

I then stood up, and walking back into the garage leaving Shawn still sitting on the hard earth.

April 6 2017

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