This Is Who I Am

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"How was your day? But more importantly what's on your clothes?" my mom demanded. She was looking at me from the top of my head to the tip of my converses. "Well, I had a mud fight. I almost won, but I lost. I had cold water sprayed on my back. But then I got a hold of the hose. I got lost in the woods. And I got tackled to the ground. Other than that it was pretty boring," I stated like it was nothing. I started to eat my dinner.

"Why?" she suddenly asked out of nowhere. "Why what?" I asked back. She put the fork, that she was holding, down on her plate and looked at me. "Why must you act like a boy? Not like a nice young lady?" She inquired.

I was used to the constant nagging to be more of a girl and less like a boy, but that never made these types of conversations any easier.

"Mom I don't try to act like a boy. And I am nice young lady. I just don't want to be inside all day painting my nails, doing makeup, and other stuff like that. This is who I am. And I'm proud of it," I said choosing my words carefully. That had always been my mom's definition of a young lady. "Okay," She replied dropping the topic.

There was no more talking for the rest of our dinner. The only sound that could be heard was the crickets faintly chirping outside.

When we had finished eating I grabbed our plates, and brought them to the sink. I started to wash them.

"I think I'm gonna go to bed. I Might not see you tomorrow morning, but I'll be at the neighbors if you need me," I said after I was done doing the dishes. "Okay," She replied. I made my way to the stairs while calling, "Goodnight. Love you." "You too sweetie," she shouted back.

As I got into bed I heard loud beep come from my phone. I grabbed my phone off of my nightstand and looked to see who had sent me a message. I smiled to myself when I saw that it was Hayes. It said: Today was a good day. I texted: Yeah it really was. I got under blankets and was trying to get comfortable when I heard another beep. It said: Night see you tomorrow.

This was the second time that he had said that he'd see me tomorrow. This must mean that he really wanted to hangout again. I thought this over in my head while a stupid grin grew on my face.

I texted: Sleep tight and I'll see you tomorrow.

I curled up under my blankets, finally getting comfortable, while thinking about how amazing today was. Hopefully every day this summer can be like today. And with that thought I fell asleep.

February 28 2017

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