Where'd You Come From

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I quickly opened the cabinet and jumped out to find Shawn laying on the ground holding his blood covered nose and Hayes with his hand balled into a fist.

"Olivia! Where'd you come from?: Hayes asked scared. "I saw my boyfriend walking into the kitchen, so I decided to hide. I wanted to scare him and it looks like I did," I replied.

I bent down and helped Shawn so he could stand up. When he was finally back on his feet I brought him over to the sink. I grabbed a hand towel out of one of the kitchen drawers, wet it, and started to dap Shawn's nose with it. He winced at the feeling of the cold water.

"Olivia I'm so sorry," Hayes said his voice filled with regret. "Yeah me too," Shawn agreed. 

I quickly finished cleaning Shawn's, lucky not broken, nose. Then took out the bottle of ibuprofen, that Hayes had thrown to Nash earlier, out of the cabinet. I got a glass cup, filled it with water, then handed Shawn the cup and pills.

Hayes slowly approached me trying to hug me, but I dogged him just as his arms started to slide around my waist.  "I can't right now," I said walking towards the door.

"By the way I don't like my boyfriend and my ex boyfriend fighting over me, so you need to work it out," I added.

I then walked out of the house, and started to make the half a mile walk back to my house my brain repeating the actions that had just occurred over and over again.

Hey everyone! Very short update. I'm sorry for that. The next one will make up for it. I have even more drama coming so be ready for it.

Have an amazing day!

- ratpizza

May 13 2017

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