How To Ride A Dirt Bike

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Hello Everyone! I would like to start off by thank you all so so much for 23 reads in less than 7 hours last night. Each one of these reads mean so much to me. In honor of all of these reads in such a short period of time I have put together a special update for today. It is also the longest one I have done so far, and will probably be the longest one I will ever do. Anyways now on to our scheduled entertainment. (:

"Sup?" Tez asked me when I got to the garage. "Not much," I replied. Tez dribbled the basketball that he had been holding, but didn't move towards the net to get ready to shoot. His face looked conflicted. "Olivia, can I ask you a question?" he inquired. "Sure ask away," I said. Tez hesitated then asked, "Do you like Hayes?" "Umm," I said giving a nervous laugh. "I was just asking because he really likes you, but is to shy to say anything. He might look like he is not afraid of anything, but he is afraid of you rejecting him," Tez explained. "Oh okay," I replied.

Tez finally threw the basketball into the hoop, but it went around the rim of the basket and wound up falling off missing the net. Tez picked up the rolling ball and started to dribble it again. "Pass me the ball," I said. Tez threw the ball in my direction. I caught it, and walked backwards so that I was further away from the net. I then dribbled the ball, and threw it right into the basket. It went into the net making a swishing sound then fell back to the ground. "Boom. That's how it's done," I yelled throwing my hands in the air.

"I'm telling you this girl can do everything," Hayes said suddenly standing next to Tez. "Yeah, everything," Tez replied emphasising everything and shooting Hayes a I told you look. "Just shoot the ball," Hayes said grabbing the ball off the ground, and passing it hard at Tez.

As Tez gets ready to throw the ball again, Hayes looks at me and we immediately get lost in each others eyes. When this happens it's like we are the only two people alive. I don't know how long we where trapped in our own little world, but I wind up having to look away. One thing I was sure of was that if I had continued to look into his sky blue eyes I would have gone over to him, and kissed him. Especially now that I know that he likes me to. When we get back to the real world I realize that we had each took a couple of big steps closer to each other.

I quickly move back to where I had originally been standing, and look around for Tez. When I can't find him I think to myself that he must have left and gone back to the house.

"I want to show you how to ride one of my dirt bikes," Hayes suddenly said snapping me out of my thoughts. "Okay," I replied. Hayes and I walked into the garage to get the bikes. "I call the blue one," Hayes shouted walking over to it. "But what if I want that one," I pouted. He guarded it, and shot a fake mean look at me trying to scare me off. "I guess I'll use the red one then," I said laughing at how ridicules he looked with his arms wrapped around the bike.

Hayes twisted a cap on the bike. When the cap came off he went over to a corner of the garage, and grabbed a carton that I assumed held gas. He poured the gas into the bike then screwed the cap back on tightly. "The bike is gonna need gas," he said. I had watched him do everything carefully, so I easily repeated all of the steps he had done to put gas into the bike.

"Catch," Hayes said throwing me a helmet when I was done. "I'm gonna teach you how to ride one of the bikes on the actual dirt track not the grassy field outside of here," Hayes moved his hands around signaling to the garage, "so you don't hurt yourself. It's safer to ride them on dirt because that's what their made for. ( A/N I don't know if that's actually true ) I'll bring both of the bikes to the track for us." Hayes put on his helmet, and got on the red bike. He drove it out of the garage, and took off towards the track. Since I had been to the track before I made my way by myself on foot.

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