Growing Uncomfortable

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Olivia P.O.V. ( This Takes Place At The Same Time Hayes' P.O.V. did )
These past two days had been difficult. I had been ignoring Hayes. I just couldn't deal with the fact that he had resulted to violence. He knew that I didn't like violence, but had punched Shawn anyway.

Shawn had been coming over to my house these past two days. We would sit around for hours at a time talking about when we were younger. He always knew how to make me feel better, and I admired that about him.

There was only one problem. I could tell that Shawn was trying to flirt with me, and I really didn't appreciate that. You see he had placed his hand on my thigh awhile ago and had kept it there.

He really needs to understand that I am with Hayes, and just because we are in a fight doesn't mean that he can hit on me.

However I didn't want to be alone and if the price of having his reassuring company was a hand on my leg, I had to pay it.

We were currently sitting on my couch talking about one of the times that Aaliyah and I had played a trick on Shawn.

"And then the bucket of water fell off of the top of your door and onto you soaking your brand new guitar," I said in between laughs. "I was ready to kill both of you," Shawn said. We both broke into a fit of laughter as we remember the whole scene.

All of a sudden there was a knock at the front door. "I'll get it," my mom sings from the kitchen. I can hear her talking to who ever was at the front door.

Suddenly his hand felt awkward on my leg so I gently place my right hand on top of his to remove it from my thigh when I feel a pair of eyes on me. I look at the door and see a angry Hayes looking back at me.

I quickly stood up finally knocking Shawn's hand off of me. Hayes looks at me then turns on his heels and runs the opposite direction.

I hear Shawn let out a frustrated sigh and my mom looks at all of us confused. I fast walk to the still open door and see that Hayes was still running to an unknown destination.

With out even thinking I take off after him. "Hayes! Stop running and let me explain!" I yell but he doesn't stop in fact he picks up his speed.

I run faster my legs burning in pain.
Finally I was able to catch up to Hayes enough to jump onto his back knocking him to the ground.

When he turned his head around I was heart broken by the look in his eyes. One word came out of his mouth, "Why?" I knew he meant why was Shawn over.

The tears burned in my eyes as I sobbed, "I couldn't have you around with this fight going on but I felt so lonely without you and..." Gritting my teeth, I closed my eyes and clenched his shirt in my fists. "I'm sorry," I finished.

Hey everyone! So I wanted to let you all know that there is only one update left in this book. I will be doing a sequel though. But yeah.

Have an amazing day!

- ratpizza

May 29 2017

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