The Question

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Hayes came over to the garage where I had been playing basketball, by myself, for the past hour. I didn't notice him though, because I was so wrapped up in my thoughts, until he stole the ball from me. He dripped it in place then threw it into the hoop. It went straight into the net.

He grabbed the ball, and got ready to shoot again, but I stopped him by saying, "One on one." Hayes smirked at me then passed the ball in my direction. "Ladies first," he said still smirking.

It happened to be a really competitive game that I wound up winning. Who knew that this boy loved basketball so much and was so darn competitive? I thought to myself with a small laugh under my breath. 

After we finished our game we went into the garage, and sat down on the couch. "How did you beat me? Basketball is my best sport," Hayes asked shocked. "Don't you remember I can do everything," I mocked Tez's voice from earlier, "plus I've been playing basketball since I was seven," I replied. "Seven?" he asked looking at me in disbelief. I nodded my head, and he looked even more shocked then before. "Yeah. My grandpa taught me," I said. Hayes smiled at me and said, "That's awesome that a seven year old girl learned how to play basketball." I started to smile along with him. "What can I say I've always been really athletic," I replied.  "I would say so," he laughed

Hayes put his arm around my torso, and pulled me against him. I cuddled up next to him laying my head on his chest. I guess you could say that we were in the I like you, but we're not dating yet stage. I decided in my mind. We were quite for awhile lost in our own thoughts.

"So there's somethin' I've been wanting to ask you," he said breaking the silence. From where my head was on his chest I looked up at him and into his eyes. "What?" I asked. He hesitated for a moment, so I smiled at him to encourage him to continue. "I know that a lot has gone on today, but I'm gonna take care of it. You've got nothing to worry about with that. Lots of celebrities have to go through this. It's a natural thing that comes with being one. Sorry I'm rambling. So my question is...gosh I don't think I've ever been this nervous before, he looked straight into my eyes making my heart skip a beat, "Umm would you want to go on a date with me sometime?" Hayes asked.

I quickly dropped my gaze from looking into his eyes to looking at the garage floor. His question had taken my breath away. He wants to go on a date with me? Calm down Olivia it's only a date. He hasn't asked you to be his girlfriend, but what if he asks you to be later. I was finally snapped back out of my thoughts by the feeling of his gaze still on me. I immediately looked back into his beautiful sky blue eyes.

Since I hadn't answered right away Hayes had started to look scared that I was going to reject him. "I would love to," I finally said when I was able to breath again. He let out a big breath that I realized that he had been holding this whole time. "Cool," he replied while a goofy grin started to grow on his face. I couldn't help but smile at the fact that he had just asked me out on a date, and how cute he looked right now with that adorable smile.

"You actually seemed scared that I was gonna say no," I said. "I was," he admitted. Hayes started to play with my hair. "Why?" I asked. He looked away, but continued to play with my hair. It was almost as if he was doing it subconsciously. "I don't know. I guess I feel like you could do better than me. I mean I lied to you for a couple of weeks," he said. "Everyone makes mistakes," I replied.  "Yeah I guess," he mumbled finally looking back at me.

Hayes stared into my eyes. I couldn't help, but to look back into his sky blue eyes. It was like a trans fell over both of us.

He leaned in, with eyes closed, and kissed my lips. I immediately kissed him back. Our kiss was long and passionate. It felt like fireworks were going off every time our lips touched.

I eventually pulled away out of breath. I looked back into his eyes and smiled.

March 5 2017

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