The Routine

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I wake up early in the morning, go downstairs, grab a granola bar and a book, then go to my relaxation place. I would stay there watching the sunrise and reading for a long time.

After that I would go back to my house, take a shower, get dressed, and do my hair. I walked back downstairs when I was done. I would write my mom a note telling her that I'd be at the neighbours and that I loved her. Then I began my half a mile walk over to the Hayes' house. This had become my morning routine for the past three weeks.

Over all Hayes and I have become really close. We hang out all day every day doing really stupid things, and we mess with each other a lot. I know mostly everything about him from his love of dirt bikes to why he likes the color yellow. He knows a lot about me too.

I honestly think I might be falling for him, but I doubt he likes me like that.

Hey everyone! I would like to start off by saying thank you all for 22 reads already. I just started this book, and for it to already have this many reads is amazing.

I'm sorry that this chapter is so short. It is mainly a filler chapter to show what has been going on in the story. I will try to update again today, but I can't promise anything. If I do it will probably be another short chapter. Just to let you know. 

Are you all enjoying it? Leave a comment or message me so that I can see if you guys like the story line. Thank you all again for reading this book!

Have a great day!
- ratpizza

March 2 2017

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