Scared Or Nah?

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Hayes' family had come back from LA a couple of days ago. They had come home last Monday night. They had gone there to help out his older brother, Nash. His older brother had sprained his shoulder playing soccer at a park. Hayes told me that his brother was doing much better now.

We walked into their house hand in hand. we were instantly greeted by his mom who was sitting on the couch in their living room watching TV. "Hey you guys. Did you two enjoy your date?" she asked. Hayes and I shared a knowing look. We then looked at Elizabeth with stupid grins on each of our faces. "Yes it was amazing," I replied blushing.

She glanced down at our intertwined hands. "Ahh. Did he finally ask you to be his girlfriend?" she inquired. I blushed more fiercely turning my face a crimson red then dropped my gaze from looking at Elizabeth to the ground. "Yeah he did," I replied simply. "Good," she smiled at Hayes, "Did you know that he is always talking about you? Olivia this. Olivia that. He goes on and on about-"she said but was interrupted by Hayes. "Mom!" Hayes shouted clearly embarrassed. His face was bright red like a tomato, and i knew that mine was too.

"Okay okay. Well I'm gonna go to bed. We don't have a guest room, so you two are going to have to share a bed," she looked at each of us in the eyes then continued talking, "But I expect you two to be on your best behavior, and not do anything stupid. You should know what I mean by that, so I'm not gonna go into detail. But is it understood that you two are not to do anything stupid that could regret?" she asked giving us a stern look. "Yes ma'am," Hayes and I  replied at the same time. "Okay then I'm going to bed," she said turning off the TV and standing up.

She started to walk away, but stopped in the middle of a doorway that belonged to a hallway. "Oh and remember that my room is right next to Hayes'," she smiled, "goodnight," she called walking down the hallway. As soon as we heard her bedroom door close we both let out the breath that each of us had been holding in.

I gave a nervous laugh. "Sorry about that," Hayes said rubbing the back of his neck. "No it's okay. It's a good thing for your parents to be protective like that," I replied smiling. "Yeah it is, but it's also really embarrassing. Anyways my room is right down this hallway. Come on," he said. We made our way down the hallway that his mom had just disappeared down.

We walked into his room shutting the door behind us. "I didn't bring any pajamas. Because no one told me about this," I said. He went over to his dresser, and grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. He then threw them at me. "Here you go. Bathrooms right down the hall, but you already knew that," he said. "Thanks," I replied. I then left his room, and went into the bathroom so I could change.

When I came back to the room he was laying on his bed, shirtless, doing something on his phone. He didn't realize I had walked in, so I took a few seconds to admire his chest. I had never seen him shirtless before. You could tell that he worked out, and it had really paid off. He was very strongly built.

I finally shut the door, and went over to the bed. I climbed in, and laid down next to him. He finished what ever he was doing on his phone, and had put it down on the nightstand. I laid my head on his chest, and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Can we watch a movie?" I inquired. "Sure. What movie?" he asked. He reached over to his nightstand to grab his laptop. "I don't know. What do you think we should watch," I asked. He logged into Netflix, and scrolled threw his list.

"Umm. What about a horror movie? I have a lot of good ones on my list," he asked. "I can not watch horror movies," I replied. "Why do you get scared?" he asked looking down at me. I nodded my head against his chest "If we watch one I'll hold you, and keep you safe all night," he said trying to negotiate with me. After lots of convincing I finally agreed knowing that he would just keep asking if I didn't agree.

He put on a horror movie, and held me as close to him as possible. I kept jumping at every little thing that popped on the little screen. Every time I did though he would rub my back some a little to tell me it was okay. Finally the movie ended.

"Never watching that again," I said as he put the laptop back on his nightstand. "Did it scare you to much? You kept jumping like every 4 minutes," he asked. "Yeah. It kinda did," I replied. "Well it's over now. Remember that none of it is true. Also remember that your big strong boyfriend will protect you," he said smirking. "Okay," I said giving a little laugh. "Now let's try to get some sleep. I promise that I won't let go of you at all tonight," he said. I nodded.

I then turned on my side to get comfortable with my head resting on his shoulder. He turned too never letting go of me.

Even though I was still scared because of the movie I felt safe in his arms. I eventually got tired, and fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning startled when I felt Hayes jump out of bed. He was yelling at something. I got up, and saw him chasing someone, around the front yard, who looked like him somewhat.


Hey Everyone! Thank you all so so much for 111 reads! This is absolutely amazing guys! I never even though it would get 10 reads let alone 111. Thank you to all of the people who are reading this book. I hope you all are enjoying the story so far.

Have an amazing day!

- ratpizza

March 7 2017

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