Chapter 35 - Everyday Chaos

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Isabella's POV

All the way home Thomas held my hand and we sat in silence. Puke eased up the back of my throat, tooth and nail I fought it but to no avail.

"Driver, please pull the car over."

There I was at the side of the road hurling. Thomas had his arm around me and was pulling my hair back.

"Isabella, I know this is going to be hard, please lean on me as much as you need to because you don't want to sacrifice your health and the health of the babies."

As correct as he was, all I could muster was a nod.

When we arrived home, I immediately washed my face and brushed my teeth. On the bed I laid, Prince's side, smelling his pillowcase. Short-lived, I was pulled out of my trance by Thomas knocking on the door.

"Isabella can I come in?"


Welcoming himself inside, a tray he set on the desk, then popped the desk chair into the air pouncing down to straddle it and lean forward toward me.

"I made you some tea, brought you some soup and some leftover bread from last night."

"Thank you Thomas." I coukd already hear my melancholy.

He came over and sat on the bed.

"Isabella, is there anything I can do for you right now?"

With a light shake of my head no, I mouthed thank you because I was too close to tears. He patted my hand.

"Please eat and I'll stop back in about an hour. Plan on me picking the boys up today. Oh and Rita said she was coming tonight to make dinner so don't concern yourself with that."

Silence enveloped me and my loneliness as he shut my door. I ate half of  everything, but if I consumed anymore I might throw up again.

Exhaustion was my companion as I cried myself to sleep.

Prince's POV

After Isabella and Thomas left, Martha took me to my room and proceeded to sort through my bag looking for anything that I wasn't allowed to have in treatment. It was a bit demoralizing but I know it's what they have to do.

"Prince I'll let you get unpacked and then be prepared to meet with your team in about an hour." Martha instructed coldly.

Since Isa packed me I was curious what all was in my bag. She packed our picture from the gala and a family picture from our wedding. I pinned those on my bulletin board. She got me an iPod and loaded a bunch of music onto it, now that is super sweet of her. I can't wait to listen to what she loaded on here for me. I put my clothes away and then hung up my toiletry bag. There was a lavender envelope addressed to 'My love.' Sweet Jesus I could have cried just seeing her handwriting. I decided to place it on my nightstand and read it tonight before I go to bed.

I freshened up and went down to the desk to meet with my team. First on the agenda was the physical assessment, followed by the psychological assessment and then of course...detox. They assured me that they would provide the best medications to assist in my detox to make it as comfortable as possible, estimating it to take about seven to 10 days because of the frequency and dosage in which I used.

The day went by very quickly and before I knew it, it was dinner time. I already miss eating with my family and looking forward to alone time with Isabella after the boys went to bed. I hope she's doing ok.

Martha came by my table and sat with me. "How are you doing?"

"Honestly, I'm missing my wife and boys right now, so I'm just trying to get through the day."

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