Class Evan x reader

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Your POV

I walked around the school with my crew. We are badass. Del said" Yo (Y/N)." I said" Sup Del?" He said" Somebody is getting beat up!" We ran up and I pushed the head football player. He said" Hey bitch!" I smirked and said" What was that?" He said" Oh shit. Sorry. I promise I won't do it again!" He seen me. Del was helping the guy up. The guy and his friends ran for it. I said" Better stay gone." I walked over to the dude. I noticed it was the new kid in my first period class. He said" Ow!" I picked him up and stood him on his feet. Del said" Are you okay?" He opened his eyes and seen us. He backed up against the lockers. He said" Don't hurt me!" I said" Calm down. We hurt people that hurt others. Are you okay?" He calmed down and said" Yeah. I'm fine. Thank you." I said" Your welcome." He said" Evan." I said" I know. Your in my first class." He said" Your (Y/N)?!" I said" Sup bro." He said" Okay. This must be big brother Delirious." I said" Yup. This is Lui, Moo, Nogla, wildcat, mini, and Terrorizer." He said" Wow. You guys are amazing." I said" Thank you. Wanna join us? I feel like your gonna do good for us." He said" Sure." Del said" We got get you to class." I said" Why don't we just skip?!" Del said" I'm fine with that." We went too the back of the library. We sat down. I said" Whisper boys." They nodded. We started whispering. Del said" Sis." I said" Triangle." They laughed. Del said" Earlier, why did you yell at the neighbor." I said" He yelled at me because I said he was on his old man period." Del said" Yet... You pissed him off." I said" Maybe he shouldn't yell at me." Moo said" Jesus. (Y/N). Are you on your period or something?" I said" No. Not time." This guy walked up and said" (Y/N)." I looked to see the jock that beat Evan up. I said" Jake." Jake said" I'm so sorry baby." I said" Why do you love me?" He said" Your amazing baby." I said" Well, you called your own girlfriend a bitch." He said" I'm so so sorry." I said" I'm so so happy that I'm breaking up with you. Get lost and you didn't see us here understood." He said" Yes. I understand." I said" Get lost." He ran. Evan said" He was your boyfriend?" I said" Yup. Learnt his lesson about calling people a bitch." Del said" Yeah. Your on your period." I stood up and said" You wouldn't want people to see your face now would you? Anyway, I'm not on my period. I'm just pissed that Jake did that. Now, say that to me again and your face is getting shown to everyone." He shook his head and said" Shit! No! I'm sorry!" I smirked and sat back down in my chair. Nogla said" She even scared us." I said" Admit it. You love me." Evan blushed along with the others that isn't Del. Del said" I have too. Your my damn sister." I said" Exactly." Terrorizer said" (Y/N)?" I said" Sup T." He said" Are we gonna play video games at your house today?" I nodded. He said" I can't be there. My girlfriend is coming over." I said" Well than. Evan, do you play video games?" He nods and said" Yeah. Why?" I said" We have an extra controller. Wanna come over and play video games?" He said" Sure." Terrorizer said" (Y/N)." I said" What?" He said" I love you." I said" Love you too bro. As a friend." He said" As a friend." I smirked. I stood up and walked closer to him. I sat on his lap. I said" Are you sure?" He nodded quickly. I said" Are you positively sure?" He sighed and said" This feels weird. I love you as a friend". Might I add that was quick. I smirked and leaned closer to his ear. I said" Admit it. You love me more than that." He sighed and said" Yeah but I know it will never happen." I smirked and said" Better bet your damn ass it's not." He said" Evan likes you I think." He was close to my ear also. I looked at Evan and said" Want me to do this again?" He nodded. I smirked and stood up. I walked over and sat in Evan's lap. Evan said" What are you doing?" I said" Welcome to the crew. Now, hug!" He hugged me and I hugged back. I said" Are you sure your okay about what happened earlier?" He said" My head hurts." I said" We are going to the nurse." I grabbed his hand and we all walked down the hall. I led Evan to the Nurse's office. When we walked in and she seen Evan, she said" What happened?" I looked at Evan and seen him holding his head. I said" Jake beat him up." She said" Control your boyfriend." I said" We broke up." I took Evan to the chair. He sat in it. We went to walk out. Evan said" (Y/N). Please stay with me." I said" You guys go ahead." The nurse wrote them a note and sent them to class. I sat down beside Evan. He grabbed ahold of my hand. He said" Thank you so much. For everything." I said" No problem." We hugged. The nurse took his temperature but it was normal. She said" Hmm. Do you have a headache?" He said" No shit." She said" Can you see straight?" He said" No. I think I'm blind!" I nudged him and said" Stop being sarcastic." He said" I can see fine." He still had ahold of my hand. She said" So. I think your good Togo but here. Take this and you'll be fine." The nurse gave him some Advil. I led him to the bathroom and he drank water from the fountain. The nurse gave both of us a note. I led him to his class. I was in the same one. We gave the teacher our notes. He said" Okay. Anyway, since we have a project coming up, you two can be partners. Jake, I would like to speak to you." Jake stood up and smirked. Evan had ahold of my hand. I said" Let's get started shall we?" He nodded and we walked to my desk. We sat down. Two people could sit at the desk they wanted. Evan smiled and I put in my Gmail account. I smirked and put in my password. I went on slides and started the PowerPoint. The teacher said" It's about hand washing." I smirked and said" This is easy." After three days we got done and got really close together. We have the same classes. We hung out more and the guys officially like having him around. I kinda have a crush on him. We walked into school. He said" Let's get ready to present." I smiled and said" Yup." We walked to the class we was working on the power point. Del ran up and said" Where have you been?!" I said" Del. What do you mean?" He said" Holy shit! I thought you was kidnapped." I said" I spent the night at Evan's last night." He said" Why didn't you call and tell me?" I said" You sound like an overly attached girlfriend." He walked off knowing that I was correct. We walked into class. The teacher walked in after us. He said" Welcome to class. Shall we begin. Who wants to start?" Evan raised his hand. The teacher called on him and we walked up. I put my stuff in. I heard applause already. I seen Austin clapping because of my monster profile picture. I smirked and clicked on the power point. After everybody clapped loudly. I smiled and Evan said" There is one more." I hit the next button again and it read' I guess you don't know this. I'll say it.' I looked at Evan. He said" I love you so much (Y/N). If it wasn't for you, I'd be scared still. I'm scared of being around a lot of people as in new people I haven't met. I know your and I are big youtubers but I also wanted to kinda date you. When I grab your hand jolts of electricity run up through my arm. I love you so much. This may be cliche but all cute stuff is. If your heart was a prison I want to be sentenced to life. No matter what, I thank you and I love you for everything. Will you be my girlfriend?" I said" Well. Yes. I'll be your girlfriend Evan." He smiled and gripped my hand. He held it close to his heart. He said" My heart only beats for you." I said" My heart does the same." He said" I know you hate school." I said" I guess this one and only class brought us together. All from a PowerPoint." Evan said" Hit next." I did and there was multiple pictures of us and the guys. I smiled. I said" Okay. Sign me out." He signed me out of the computer. We went back to my seat and when we we sat down he kissed me. I pulled away and he said" Our love came from school." I said" Our love began during class."

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