Joking Preston x reader

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Your POV

I sat outside. The Rays if sun hitting the exposed skin. I had on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. A car pulled up and Lachlan, Rob, and Preston got out. My brother said" SIS!" I said" Sup bro!" I laid back on the grass. Rob said" Well than. Wanna go to the pool?" I said" Well than." My brother yelled" SIS"! PICK YOUR FUCKING SHOES UP AND KEEP THEM OFF THE TABLE! WE EAT THERE!" I yelled back" I KNOW. I WAS JUST COMPLIMENTING YOU. THERE IS DOG CRAP ON THOSE SHOES! IT LOOKS JUST LIKE YOU!" He came out and looked at me. I smirked. He smirked and said" I'll tell your crush you like him." I said" I'll tell your girlfriend you are breaking up with her and that you never loved her because if you do that, my world would come crashing down like yours. I will make your life a scary place to live." My brother said" What are you gonna do?" I said" Well. That's the thing. Ashton is gonna kick your butt since you are scared of him and he is the bully at school but my best friend, break up with your girlfriend for ya, and finally I won't let you eat my food or okay my video games." He said" I'm sorry. I'm supposed to be taking care of you. Not being a dick. I'm used to being a dick to people." I said" I know." He said" You could say my name instead of brother." I said" Nah. I'm good brother." He said" You guys want to jail is later. We're going to Chick-fil-A later and then we are going to GameStop and finally the pool." Preston and the others said" Sure." I jumped up. My brother said" Your changing. Your shorts need changed." I said" Why?! It's too hot to change!" He said" If it's that hot then go sit in the bathtub with ice water inside of it." I said" Tried that before you woke up. Ice cubes melted." He said" Well than. Your weird." I said" Correction. I'm not weird, I'm normal." He said" So, I'll turn everything off and we can all get started with our day!" I said" How are you hyper in this heat?" He said" Sis. We lived in the desert for a month and your still not used to the heat?" I said" No. Now, hurry up. I want food then new games and finally I want to swim. Go away!" He smirked and said" I'll bring you a pair of pants!" I said" I'll throw them back inside!" After a few minted we was at the place we call out love placePreston said" Ah. The love place. It's been so long." This guy walked up and said" Hey. I'm Josh." I said" Sup bro! You wanna make out with my brother? Go right ahead." My brother said" HEY! IM STRAIGHT!" I said" Sure!" Josh said" No. I would like to make out with you and maybe go a little farther." Me being the clean minded girl I am said" I'm confused. What does a little further mean?" Josh smirked and said" I want to fuck you tonight and then again in the middle of this week." I said" Sorry. Can't. Busy. Video games." He said" Speak English babe." I said" No flirt and no kisses." He said" It won't be romantic then." I said" Get lost. I don't like you!" Josh smirked and said" Maybe I could fuck you right now." Preston turned around and said" Leave her alone! If she doesn't like you leave her alone." Josh said" Is this your boyfriend?" I said" No. Go away. I don't want you here!" He left but said" Call me if you want to fuck or if you want a real man." He walked off. I'm still confused. My brother said" It means he wants to stick his dick into you then trust and make you pregnant so you have to marry him." I said" NONONONO! Keep him away!" My brother said" Give me his number and I'll tell him off." I gave him the number and he walked away. Preston, Rob, and Lachlan looked at me. Lachlan said" Did you know that guy that said that?" I said" I had no idea who he was." Rob said" Preston. You handled that well." Preston said" I could've don't better." I said" Preston. Your fine. You did a wonderful job at whatever just happened." The manager walked up and said" I am so sorry about my son. He doesn't leave the house much and I have never herd him talk like that to a girl." I said" It's fine." He said" I'm so sorry." I said" Don't worry about it." The guy said" Nope. Free Chick-Fil-A for you all. Anytime you want it." I said" Thank you but it's not necessary." The manager said" Yes it is and I will not let you say no. DUTCH! They no pay!" The guy named Dutch walked over and said" May I take your order?" I said" Wasn't you from transformers?" He said" Yes." I said" It's an honor to meet you. I think your an amazing guy and I could see that you was about to lose it when you turned and looked at Simians." Dutch said" Thank you and that's what I was hoping for." Preston walked up and said" So. Whatcha talking about?" I said" Preston. We're youtubers but he is a famous actor that I really took a liking to. He is my idol. Usually it's youtubers. Mine war an actor. Dutch. Thank you." Dutch said" You don't have to thank me." Preston said" You should order." I said" I'm not gonna do that." Preston sighed and ordered every bodies food. I paid for it anyway. Dutch knew but he put it in his pocket anyway. Secrets right? Yeah. Unless he thought it was a tip. I dunno." He gave the order to the chefs and I stayed to get the food. The others went to sit. Dutch walked over and said" I think your really nice." I said" Thank you. Same to you." Dutch said" I don't know why you became a youtuber. I thought you was a model." I laughed and said" I'm nothing of the sorts. You could be my friend if you want." Dutch said" Are you dating anybody?" I said" No. They was my best friends but the one that walked outside was my brother. I live with him because I couldn't imagine my life without him." My brother and Preston walked up. My brother said" After this. Game stop." I said" Can we go to gamestop later? I wanna go to the pool besides. The heat is killing me. I don't see how these people do it." Dutch said" We go into the freezer and sit there doing nothing." I laughed and said" I should try that. That sad thing is I don't have own." Preston said" Maybe we could get one at the offices." I said" That would be the life. I would most likely record in there." Preston said" Of course you would. Just don't wear what you did today I'm there." I said" I don't care." Dutch said" This got awkward. I'll see you some other time?" He gave me his number and j gave him mine. I said" Of course." He walked away. Preston said" Does our girl have a date?!" I said" No." I looked in Preston's eyes and seen happiness when I said that. My brother said" Preston. I think you should tell her now." Preston sighed and I said" Tell me what? Tell the clueless girl!" Preston said" I love you with all my heart and soul. If I could have another life I would try to search for you in all the lifetimes, decades, years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. Your the type of girl that can make my heart skip just by smiling. You are the girl that makes me want to give up whatever I had planned just to spend it with you. I love you and I'm glad I'm your best friend. Will you be my girlfriend?" I said" Hmmm. Rephrase that." I said" Will you be my valentine?" It is almost Valentine's Day. I forgot that. She said" Yes I will. I love you too Preston and I was joking. I'll be your girlfriend."

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