Much better than me RobertIDK x reader

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Your POV

I knocked on Robert's door. He opened and said" Hey! Come on. I want your opinion!" He grabbed my hand and led me to his room. I said" You printed off Mark and Jack's picture?" He said" Yeah. It's for the song." He grabbed his guitar. I said" Let's hear it." I sat in his chair. He started to sing. After he sang. I said" Septplier away?" He said" Yeah. What do you think?" I said" Better than what I can do." He said" I bet your better than me." I said" Would you like me to show you how good I can be?" He nodded and said" I dare you." I walked over and took his guitar. I started singing lyrics that came to my head. I decided to name the song universe. I sang" I can see the universe. If I don't than I'll look into your eyes. That's where I can see it. If only you was mine. Maybe we could be the stars that are in the sky. We could be space with the universe in our eyes. Nothing can be as beautiful as us. We're the whole space but the universe is in our eyes. Your the one I love and I won't let you go. Nobody will make me hate you. The universe is pretty. That's why I love it. The universe is in all of our eyes. Yours is my favorite. It shines so bright because the universe is in your eyes." Robert said" Stop. Your much better at this than me. Want anything to eat or drink?" He stood up and grabbed my hand. He helped me up. He led me to the kitchen. He let go and I sat at the island. He got two waters out of the fridge. He gave me one and said" Are you hungry?" I haven't ate since last night. I said" I haven't ate since yesterday." He looked at me and said" What's wrong?" I said" Just an old friend and I fighting." Robert said" Tell me all about it." He sat beside me. I said" My friends name is Axel. He promised me he wouldn't kill himself. He has tried and it upsets me. He promised me. He thinks I'm gonna give up on him like everybody else. I promised him I would never give up on him. He drank detergent and he almost died. He puked and it looked like some energy drink. It upsets me that he is doing this because I have a crush on somebody other than him. I'm not gonna be the type of girl that likes one guy my whole life. He's like my fricken brother! I'm not gonna be with him. He isn't the one I want to be with. I'm a girl. I'm tired of his crap. He always causes drama and he literally says he has nobody and nobody is there for him. I am. I'm his friend. He needs to realize that I don't have a crush on him and I never will." Robert said" I'm so sorry to hear that. If he is the one that wants to than he isn't a good friend. You deserve better." I said" That is but he always helped me when I needed it but he always was depressing which is why I never hung out with him. I didn't want to feel depressed and like I didn't matter. I'm a happy person a lot but he ruins my day." Robert stood up and hugged me. He said" You are always gonna smile because I'll be there to help you." I said" Robert. Thank you." I hugged him back. He said" I love you. Your amazing." I said" That's you Robert. Your better than me." Robert said" No. Your wrong. Your a better singer than me and you just sang lyrics that came to your head. They was amazing. It's true though. I can see the universe in your eyes." I said" Robert. Haha very funny." He said" I'm serious. Want some Five guys?" I said" You bet!" We stood up and walked outside. He said" Do you mind if I record?" I said" Not at all." He got out his phone and said" Hey everybody RobertIDK here and I just wanted to say I'm out to lunch with my best friend and most of all lifetime crush." Did I hear him right?! Lifetime crush. That's what kept going through my head while he recorded. He said" (Y/N)!" I got out of my thoughts and Robert pulled me to him. The car went by quickly. Robert said" What's wrong?" I said" Nothing. Just thinking." Robert said" Might want to stay out of your thoughts because you could die like that." I said" Okay." He grabbed my hand and said" When you get lost in thought." I nodded and seen the restaurant. I said" Race ya?" He nodded and let go of my hand. He will win. He is taller than me. We ran. Guess who made it first? It was me this time! I said" You let me win!" He said" Yeah I did, not! Your just a faster runner." We caught our breaths. We walked inside. We ordered. We got our food and went to the table. He put the tray down and before we could sit down, he hugged me. I hugged back. We sat beside each other. I said" I am a triangle!" He said" Illuminate baby!" He helped up his phone. I said" Your phone has no education and it can't read or write. Yet it knows more than you." He said" Excuse me! Can it do 0 divided by 0?" Siri said" You can't do that." Robert said" Shut up Siri." He turned his phone off. I said" Aww. Robert tried and failed. I know one thing you can't fail at?" He said" What's that? Winning your heart?" I said" That and you can't fail at making me love you." He said" I love you too. Will you be my girlfriend?" I said" Yes I will. I love you too my IDK." Robert said" IDK what your talking about?" We laughed. This guy walked up. He had on a uniform. He said" Hey. I just recently heard you was single. Would you maybe wanna go on a date to get to know each other?" Robert looked at me and said" Want me to handle this?" I said" No. I've got this." I stood up and walked closer to the guy. I added" I can't. This nice and sweet guy that I'm with is my boyfriend. I'm sorry but he is the one that I want. Not you. I'm sorry." I sat beside him. Robert wrapped his arm over my shoulders. Robert said" This is the sweetest and nicest girl I know. Nobody is gonna take the love of my life and treat her badly. I won't let her get hurt and I will never let her feel unwanted. My girlfriend is the hottest, extremely beautiful, and the best thing the world could ever have. Nobody can replace her because she is like a diamond. She is as shiny and pretty as one. She is the diamond that stole my heart. I guess the hope diamond isn't cursed since it's pretty. You came be the heart of my ocean or the Robert diamond. Either way I love you." I said" I love you too."

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