Lie Max x reader

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Max's POV

  I smirked. I walked into (Y/N)'s office. She sat there and she had a sad smile on her face which broke. She was crying silently. I hugged her and said" What's wrong?" She said" Nothing." I said" Than why are you crying if nothing is wrong?" She said" My brother died." I said" I'm here for you and so are the guys." She sighed and said" I know and I'm fine." I said" No your not." Adam walked in and said" What happened? Why is my best friend crying?!" I said" Her brother died." Adam said" I'm so sorry to hear that." He hugged her. I felt jealous. I do love (Y/N). She hugged back and after a bit, he stood up and said" We're here for you. Don't forget that. Your allowed to have as many days off as you want to get over your brother's death." She said" As long as Max is with me I'm good." Adam walked out. I said" What do you consider me as?" She said" A boy. Nah I'm joking. My best friend." I said" Can I tell you a secret?" She said" What?" I said" Somebody likes you." She said" Who would that be?" I said" If I wasn't so shy and if I didn't promise them I would tell you." She smirked and said" Max. Your not shy." I said" I'm badass aren't I?" She smirked and nodded. She pulled me into a hug. I pulled away and looked into her eyes. Red walked in and said" SHIT IS GOING DOWN IN HERE!" He closed the door. I stood up and said" I've got to go edit. See ya." She smiled and nodded. I went to my station. Tim said" Well, well, well. If it isn't the guy who edits." I said" She lied." He said" What do you mean?" I said" She isn't gonna be fine." Tim said" What happened? Why did Red yell that?" I said" I almost and accidentally kissed her. The clue word there is ALMOST!" He said" Kinda like you almost told your feelings to her. I was outside the door when I heard that." I sat in my chair and edited. Adam walked up and said" Has anybody checked on (Y/N)?" I stood up and ran to her recording room. I slammed the door open. She sat in her chair and smiled. I said" Come on. We're going to go eat." I grabbed her hand and led her to the door. I yelled" ADAM! IM GOING OUT TO EAT WITH (Y/N)! BE BACK SOON!" He yelled back" OKAY!" We walked out the door and walked down the road. Still hand in hand. I don't know why I'm doing this. We walked into her favorite restaurant. We ordered and sat down. I said" Obviously I had to get away from the guys and I didn't feel like going alone. The guys are stupid." She said" Chill out. What's going on?" I said" Nothing for you to worry about." I love you is the reason I'm doing this. Why can't you see?! They came with our food. They sat it down. She grabbed hers and I grabbed mine. We started eating. After we ate, I threw the trash away. We walked out. She said" Shit. I should probably go see if my other brother needs help with anything. Do you wanna come?" I said" Sure." We walked back and got in my car. I let her drive it. When we arrived at the funeral home, she parked and we got out. I said" How long has your brother been dead?" She said" Two days. I just found out." She walked inside and walked up the stairs. She seen her older brother. Her older brother hugged her. She hugged back. Damn this is awkward. After they hugged her brother turned to me. He said" Name and business?" I said" Max and friend of (Y/N)." (Y/N) said" Matt. Calm down. Don't worry." It's fine. He is my best friend." We walked inside and sat down. I have been saving money for a 'rainy' day. The guy said" Okay." Matt said" What's up?" They planned everything. After she said" Let's go Max." I said" I'll meet you down there." The guy looked at me and said" May I help you?" I said" About the funeral of her brother, I have the money to pay it all." I gave it to him. He said" Okay. Is that all?" I said" That and thank you. Don't tell her please. I'll tell her it was magically paid off." He said" She has to know. I can see you really love her." I said" That I do." I walked downstairs. She smiled and I pushed the receipt in my pocket. I grabbed her hand and led her to my car. Her brother Matt was admiring my car. Matt said" How do you pay for this nice of a car?" I said" I edit and record for YouTube. My boss is my best friend and he pays for me and others to edit." He said" So my sister likes an editor." She said" Bro. No. Just friends." My heart sank. Her brother said" Sis. I want to see where you both work." We got in. She drove back. I trust her. When we arrived she parked and we got out. We walked inside. We went to the room where we record do not laugh. I walked into my station and seen Elsa. I said" ADAM! YOUR GONNA DIE!" He ran and I chased him. I heard laughter and seen (Y/N) laughing at me. I smirked and walked closer to her. I tickled her and she was dying of laughter. Adam smirked. I grabbed Adam's leg and pulled him down. I tickled both of them. I stopped tickling her. I said" You ever put Elsa in my station again, I'll pack your lunch. It'll be a knuckle sandwich." Adam said" How was your date?" I said" It wasn't a date Dalhburg." He said" Whatever." We stood up. I walked into my office and ripped all of Elsa's pictures off my walls and desktop. My system. Everything. She walked on I turned on my computer. I said" Adam's gonna die." I walked out and ran to his office. I opened the door and grabbed his shirt collar. He said" Chill out." I said" You know how mad I got last time you did this." (Y/N) ran in and said" Calm down Max. You can just Change it back." I said" Okay." I let go of him. I walked out with (Y/N). Matt was in my station. He was on my computer. I said" What are you doing?" He said" Hacking into Adam's system so you can troll him." I said" Thanks." After a few minutes he was done. He stood up and I sat down. I messed with Adam. I smirked. Next thing I know I stop messing with him and my screen goes to a picture of (Y/N). I exited out of everything and she was on my desktop. Her picture. I looked at Matt and said" Really?" He nodded. (Y/N) said" Damn." I said" I paid for your brothers funeral expenses." She said" WHAT?! WHY?!" I said" Was saving money for a random day but this seemed more important." She said" I'll repay you." I said" No you won't. I won't take it." She said" Yes you will." I said" No I won't." She said" Why won't you?" I said" I love you is the reason I wont take the money." She said" Did you confess?" I said" Yes, yes I did." She smirked and said" I love you too." I said" Will you be my girlfriend?" She nodded and said" Yes, I will be your girlfriend." I said" All this from the lie this morning. You said you was fine but you cried and I knew you wasn't all right. So why lie?" She said" I didn't want anybody to pity me." I said" I loved you for a long time but there was one lie that brought us together." She said" One stupid lie."

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