Sick to better SamGladiator x reader

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Your POV

  I sighed and walked into Sam's house. He wasn't feeling well today. I walked to his room and seen him laying there on his phone. I said" Hey Sam." Sam looked at me. His face was shocked. He said" What are you doing here?! I don't want to get you sick!" I said" I don't care about getting sick. I care about you." He said" I don't want you sick." I said" I have recorded videos for two weeks because I am spending it with you." He said" Why do you care about me?" I said" Your my best friend. I love you." He said" I love you too." This girl and this guy walked in. She said" Oh shit." Sam said" Pamela? What's going on?!" She sighed and said" This is Drake. I'm cheating on you." I said" I'm so sorry to hear that Sam. Remember I'll always be here for you." Pamela said" You was cheating on me with this slut also! I returned the favor!" Sam said" She is my best friend. She hasn't gotten fucked or wanted to fuck anybody! She came here to see if I was okay! I'm sick!" Pamela said" Oh." I said" Sam. Calm down." He said" I will not lay here and listen to her being mean to you! You deserve respect!" I said" Sam. I'm used to it. You know my parents." He said" True. Your not a worthless little bitch though. Your my best friend and the one that I care so dearly about." I said" This is new." He said" To be honest j fell out of love with you Pamela." Pam said" Sam?! No!" Drake said" Hell yeah!" Drake started to undress her and I turned around not wanting to see that. She said" Drake! We can fuck later!" Sam said" Get lost. I love you (Y/N). I've had a crush on you since a long time ago. Your so caring and your so much better than Pam. Your so much better than Pam and your the one I care so much about." I said" I love you too Sam." Sam said" Now, if you ever need me I'll be there and I always would and will." I said" I know. I am the same with you." Pam left with Drake. He had a boner and it was clear he did. Sam had a blanket on and smiled at me and I smiled back. I said" You shouldn't fight when your sick." He said" You shouldn't be so hot when I'm around you because I'm burning up." I said" Is that a flirt mister Gladiator?" He said" Yes." I said" You want anything?" He said" You to be my girlfriend and some food." I said" I'll be back." I ran to the kitchen and after I made his food, I put some stuff around on a tray that said I will be his girlfriends. I gave it to him and walked to the bathroom. I sat on the toilet with my phone and I went on Twitter and tumbler. Sam yelled" (Y/N)!" I ran to his room after putting my phone in my pocket. I opened the door and he ran to me. He hugged me and kissed me. I said" What?" He said" Now I have my gladiator girl." I said" What does that mean?" He said" That I'll protect you with my very life. I love you." I said" Then one of us die and the other lays beside the other gave and then the one that was alive dies by the lover. Super cheesy." He said" Hey. All the cheesy stuff is sweet." I said" I know. The most romantic also." He said" Yeah. Roses are red, violets are blue, if you give me your heart, I'll give you mine too." I laughed and said" Your so sweet." He said" Is that why you gave me cookies yesterday?" I said" Totally." We laughed and laid on his bed. We cuddled and he said" If I get you sick ill take care of you." I said" If I do, I'll probably sleep all day." He said" I'll be right beside you then." I said" Three, two, one." There was a knock on the door. He said" Everytime something happens!" We stood up and went to the door. He opened it and said" Hey." The guy said" I'm gonna be your new neighbor. My name is Roomie." I said" Hey Joel!" He said" What's going on here?" Sam said" I'm her boyfriend. Touch her badly and you die!" Joel said" I'm her brother." I said" It's true. He is my best friend/brother." Joel said" Well than. This is awkward. I live next to my sister." I said" I don't live here. Sam does." Sam said" Yup and you might one day also." I said" Sam. You don't know that. We might break up or something." Joel said" Dan and Phil want to meet you (Y/N)." I said" Bring them here tomorrow." Sam said" I'm confused." He coughed and I had him sit on his porch and I went to get him some water. He drank some and I sat beside him. Joel sat in front of  us. Sam kissed me and gave me his water. I took it and took the cap off. I poured it into the lid and drank it. Sam said" What?" I smirked and said" Boy cooties." He said" Ha ha. Very funny beautiful." I laughed and took a drink of water from the bottle. I put the cap back on. Sam said" Do I have to worry about girl cooties?" I said" Hmmmm... No because I'm yours." He said" Not u less were married then your mine forever." I said" There is no forever but there is a lifetime." Joel said" What did you used to say about love? Wasn't it that it was pointless because nobody could love a bitch like you? I think you was proved wrong." I said" I'm still right. I'm not loved." Sam smirked and said" I'll make you loved. I'll take your damn virginity while I'm at it probably." He was joking. I knew it. He smirked at me and dared me to say something. I said" Your full of shit. Is that why the toilet called me this morning because it was jealous?" He said" Remember what you said to this girl staring at us yesterday than walked up and made a rude comment." I said" Yeah. I heard your parents found you on the side of the highway, does that mean you was born there. Accidents are mostly there." Joel said" BURN!" Sam said" I love you beautiful." He kissed me and I kissed back. He pulled me into his lap. We started to make out. He put his hand on my thigh and then caressed it gently. I had shorts on. He hand went into my shorts and he edged closer. I pulled away and put my pointer finger up. I said" Too far babe." He said" You are my speciality." I said" When did I become food?" He said" Cupcake please. You was and always have been my specialty." I said" Again. When did I become food?" We laughed and Joel said" You guys should have a date." Sam said" I'm already planning it out in my head." He got out his phone and called a taxi. He looked at me and mouthed' love you honey.'

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