Done Jack x reader

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  I walked into school on Monday with the guy. Felix, Mark, Jack, Wade, Bob, and Evan. We walked to my locker. I've been picked on all last week and when I seen my locker I groaned. I looked at the guy who were confused and I walked into hometown with them. I sat down and Felix said" We wanna know what's going on? We seen you crying last week." I got a letter from my dad saying that he and mom got back together.. I'd have to leave... I sighed and felt tears brimming my eyes. I looked down and over. I said" My dad... He got back together with my mom. I might be leaving unless I stay with my grandma... I don't see why she took him back! He abandoned both of us!" I stood up put of my seat and punched the wall. My teacher, her name is Mrs. Miller. She said" (Y/N). Come here honey." I walked up and she said" What's wrong?" I said" My family and now people are picking on me! What else bad can happen!" The door opened and my older brother walked in. He said" Hey sis." I said" Hey." He said" I brought your backpack. You forgot it at home. Blake called." I said" What did he say?" My brother said" I'll tell you later.. At least not in front of everybody because he also wants to see you." I said" Thanks. Bye." He nodded and walked out. I walked back to my seat and Mark said" Blake? As in Blake Amsted?" I said" You guessed it." He said" Didn't he used to bully you?" I said" Used to but his sister told me he was jealous because I got to you guys before he got to you." Evan said" Your almost eighteen. They can't make you leave." I said" I have no family here and grandma is going to Florida and my family doesn't want me alone." Evan said" You'll live with me. You won't be alone." I sighed and looked at my phone that was sitting on my desk. I looked out the window and sighed. Jack said" It'll be okay. We can skype each other." I sad" Actually, I'm staying here. I don't care what my family says... I'm staying here." This kid walked into the classroom. Jack said" I have a deal to make." I said" What's that." He said" If you be my girlfriend." I said" Done."

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