I'll protect you RoomieOfficial x reader

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Your POV

I smiled and got out of my car. I'm not pretty or beautiful. Hot or sexy. I'm ugly. I went inside, I walked to my kitchen. I put the food away and sighed. My phone buzzed, my only friend walked in and grabbed my hand. He led me outside. He said" Zane is wanting to meet you. The guys do also!" He was in Aphmau's series Minecraft Diaries. I said" Why?" When we walked up, they smiled at me. I smiled back. My friends name is Ash. Ash said" This is (Y/N)." I sighed and said" I know I'm ugly." Ash said" Stop. Your beautiful." I said" Stop lying to me." This girl walked up and I walked away. I knew her.

Ash's POV

(Y/N) walked away. I said" Hey Asmionia. She said" Why have you been hanging out with her?" I said" She is my best friend. Why do you care? Your not my girlfriend! Your sister is. If I wasn't dating your sister, I'd date her. I'd suggest you stop." She walked away and I ran after (Y/N). She is suicidal. I looked for her and the guys did also. They don't know. I yelled" (Y/N)! Where are you?!" I ran around. I stopped and looked up in the tree beside me. She sat there in deep thoughts. She was thinking about jumping. She sighed and came back down. She said" I can't do it. What have you been doing to me?" I said" I am helping you out of depression. You could have ended it a long time ago. I wouldn't let you." She said" Ugly people like me don't deserve to live." I said" Everybody deserves to live because somebody somewhere loves you and cares about you. I'm one of those people." She smiled and hugged me. I hugged back. I pulled out of the hug and the guys ran up. Zane said" Is everything okay?" She said" Now it is." I said" I'm glad your finally coming out of depression." Her phone rang. She answered and said" Who are you? Nice try. Prove it. I may act and sound like a bitch but I sure as hell am not a whore. Sorry you shit. I didn't come from some bodies ass." She hung up and this guy walked up. He said" So, your the girl I talked to." (Y/N) said" Why do you care?" He said" You should marry me. Your pretty hot." Zane said" She isn't gonna marry you." Garroth said" She doesn't deserve scum." I said" You shouldn't harass a girl." Laurance said" You should leave." He said" If only you remembered me (Y/N)." She looked at him. She looked into his eyes. She backed away from him and said" Luke." He said" Ah. So now you remember me. I thought you would remember your boyfriend." She said" Your not my boyfriend." He said" Ah. We dated for two years though. Does our love mean nothing. Remember, your always gonna be mine." She said" We never dated. Ethan could agree with me and so could Janica." He said" I killed them." This cop walked up and said" Hey!" Luke went wide eyed. The cop said" Surprise. Luke Amin, your under arrest for multiple counts of rape, assault on an officer, and harassment. Did he do anything to you?" I said" He harassed her and other shit." The cop looked at her and said" Would you like to come in and tell us?" She looked at me and I said" Could we come with her?" He said" Yeah. You can be in there also." I looked at her and said" Your not alone." I gripped her hand. She smiled and looked at the cop and said" Okay. Ash, you can drive my car. Be happy I trust you." I said" I will treat it with utmost care." She said" Nah. When my sister is here she dirties up the floorboard and I spend my weekends usually cleaning that." I said" When is your brother and sister allowed to come back?" She said" They are coming next week. This week they have school. Last day is Friday. No more school for them. Until the next school year." Zane said" What grade are they in?" She said" My youngest brother is Andrew, he is in third grade. My sister, her name is Ali. She is in the fourth grade. My second oldest brother is sixteen." Zane said" Wow." I said" Is Jake coming?" She said" Yes." Her phone rang. She answered and said" Hey Jake. I figured. Who is she? No shit. What's her name? Okay. Probably gonna forget. You might wanna tell me when you dumbos arrived. Andrew you are one too. Bye." She ended the call with a smile on her face. I said" What's up?" She said" Jake has a girlfriend. She is coming with him. Great, some random girl that is dating my brother is gonna stay with me." I said" I can see you don't like her." She said" I can't decide that since I never met her. When I do is when I'll decide." I said" What are you gonna do with them this weekend?" She said" I have no idea. Jake wants to meet my friends and the kids want to go to the park. My family is stressful." I said" I know. I helped you babysit before." She said" Sorry about that." I said" Don't be sorry. It wasn't your fault." She said" My family aren't the best but they are all I had growing up and now I have you." I said" Them too." She said" Yeah right." Zane said" You have me." I think Zane likes her. Plan Z will happen. I smirked. She sighed and said" Let's go." Zane said" You can ride with me." She said" Ash. Be careful with my car. Besides, that's the only means of transport I want. I have to pick up my brothers and sister. I don't think they wanna see me get on a bus." I said" They think your amazing. They love you no matter what." She said" Mom doesn't." I said" Have you talked to her any?" She said" Not since I left. I always talk to dad." I said" Than how do you know she doesn't love you?" She looked at me and said" As many times as she said she has hated me, I think I would know by now." I got my phone out and called her mom. She answered and said" Hey Ash." I said" Hey. (Y/N) wants to talk to you." She said" Oh my god. (Y/N)! I'm so sorry I did that to you when you was little! I love you and I miss you and I want to see you." She smirked and mumbled" Liar." She spoke louder and said" Hey mom! What have you been up too?" Her mom said" I miss you and your dad and I want to see you so badly! Come back!" She said" Sorry mom. I can't. It's beautiful here. I love Washington." Her mom said" We will be coming to see you than." She said" Okay." She sighed and her mom said" Don't worry sweetie! What's wrong?" She said" Nothing. Just thinking." Her mom said" Lui lives you." She smirked and said" That childish man. That's who I'm thinking about. I really miss him. My best friend along with Ash."

Your POV

Mom said" Sweetheart. Guess what!" I said" Why are you hyper and what?" She said" Lui is coming with us!" I said" Oh dear god. That idiot is coming too." Mom said" I'm hyper because your dad and I are at a party and I'm drunk!" I said" When your drunk you lie, is that why your telling me you love me when you actually hate me?" I heard dads voice. He said" Hey sweetheart." I said" Hey dad." He said" Your mom has changed. She really does love you again." I said" You've said that before but then when I actually came back she was a jerk." He said" Trust me this time." I said" I'm not coming back. You can't make me. I do not want to either. I love Washington." He said" I guess your right. I hope you do. We miss you though." I said" You guys could've came with me. You didn't. I have a big enough house. The offer still stands." He said" Andrew wants you." Andrew said" Hey sis. I need to talk to you." I said" Well, talk to me." He said" We're getting evicted." I said" Evicted! Why?! Why are you getting evicted?! My family can always live with me." Andrew said" Mom and dad don't want to invade your privacy." I said" It's too lonely at my house and I miss having to wake up with you and having you guys screaming and running around. I actually miss you idiots." He said" Well be there tomorrow." I said" I know. I love you guys. Better not forget it." He said" What about school?" I said" I'll drive you all to school. Unless you want to wait for the bus." He said" Whichever you desire. Bye." I said" Bye." I ended the call and handed Ash his phone. He said" What's going on on?" I said" My family is living with me now, they got evicted. I'm driving the little ones to school. Great. Now they don't have to live on the streets." Ash said" If you and your mom fight once, your with me. I don't want you hurt." I said" Fist fights with her are fun because she never uses her fists." Ash said" Still. I care about you." I said" I know. Okay." He smiled and said" Ready to go to the station?" I nodded and walked away with Zane. Two joined us. The others get my car. When we arrived we got in his car. I sat in the front. Zane said" Your mom hit you before?" I said" Yeah. Dad left with me and my siblings for three weeks before but he loved her and I put my feelings away and let him be happy." Zane said" Your amazing." One in the back said" I'm Aaron and this is Jeffry by the way." This dude ran up and opened my door. He said" Hey sexy! I'm Travis!" Zane got out and punched Travis. I said" I don't care who you are and I don't care what you want but leave me alone." He said" Your not scared of me?" I said" Nope. People don't scare me because I don't feel pain. I was tortured when I was kidnapped and I was in the second grade." Zane got in and sped off. When we arrived, we got it and walked inside. This dude walked up and said" Hi. I'm Joel." I smiled and said" Hi." He said" So, my friend Ash said you thought you was ugly. Wrong, your beautiful." I said" Wrong. I'm ugly." Ash and the others walked up with the cop. The cop said" You ready?" I nodded and we all walked away with the officer. We at in a room. He said" Do you know the suspect well?" I said" I have k own him since second grade and I never thought he would turn out like this." The cop said" Did you know he loved you?" I said" No. Not at all." The officer said" Has he ever harasses you before?" I said" It started during senior year and it started again when I moved here." The officer said" We talked to him and he said that it was because your irresistible. I see what he is talking about now." I said" Excuse me? What the heck do you mean by ' I see what he means now.' I would like to know." He stood up and walked closer to me. He said" Your sexy. You have a problem you should fix. It's in my pants." I aid" If you don't move I'm punching you in the dick." He smirked and said" Did you know you was hot?" I said" I'm ugly." He got closer and this other cop ran in. The cop seen me uncomfortable and said" Joe!" He was taken out. This other cop walked in. This one said" Hello, my name is Charlie." I said" I'm (Y/N)." Charlie sad" Well, what happened today?" I said" Harassment and arguments. I also made some new friends." He said" Would you like to tell me who harassed you?" I said" Luke Amin. Was my best friend. I know what he was arrested for also." Charlie said" What's that?" I said" Harassment, assault on a cop, and multiple counts of rape. He told us he killed my older brother and sister. Janica (Y/L/N) and Ethan (Y/L/N)." This cop walked in with Luke. Luke said" Your damn right I killed them. They would have gotten in the way of us." I said" There is no us. There never was and there never will be." He said" Think about our future!" I said" Your not my boyfriend or my husband. I'm single." Luke said" I love you and what I love is mine." Joel said" Wrong. What you love is something you'll never get." I looked at him. He added" What you love is something you'll never get because I love her and no matter what you do I'll protect her... With my very life. She is beautiful because of her personality. You won't get her because you are not what she wants." I said" You actually like me?" He said" I love you. Not like you. Would you be my girlfriend?" I said" Yes." He said" No matter what, life or death situation, I'll protect you."

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