Our music brought us together Jack x reader

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Your POV

  I was about to walk up on stage with Jack. We are the best fingers around. We walked up on stage when our name was called. Jack said" Ready?" I said" Yeah. You?" He said" As I'll ever be." We hugged and he kept ahold of my hand as we waved to everybody. We walked closer to the microphone. Jack smiled at me. I said" Hello and thank you all for coming to our concert." Jack said" It means a lot to us but you guys, all of you mean more to us than anything." I said" I dedicate this song to you." He said" I dedicate it to your love and passion to us but I give my love and passion along with my best friends right back. We love you!" I smiled and we started singing. We had fun singing and dancing for them. He smiled and grabbed both of my hands and pulled me closer to him. He sang" If I could ever be in love with you, I would want to be with you for the rest of my life." I sang" Same goes for you, for you, but nothing can change my feeling to you. I love you and I love them." In the middle of the concert, Jack was about to sing but instead he collapsed. I ran over and said" Get up! Please!" My brother ran up and pulled me away. I said" Daniel! Let me go!" The ambulance let me ride with him and I grabbed his hand. I said" Please. Please just be okay." Daniel was driving behind us. The EMS person said" We can try our best." I said" Jack. If you can hear me, I love you. I love you so much. Please! Please be okay." The guy said" Mrs. McLaughlin. Please. Aren't you gonna sing or dance without him?" I said" I could but he means more to me right now than that."

Ashton's POV

  I sighed and walked on stage. (Y/N) and Jack work for me. I walked to the mic and said" Hey everybody. Sorry for the inconvenience. I'm hoping that they come back soon and be there old selves again." This girl screamed and said" WILL THEY BE OKAY?!" I said" We're taking him to the hospital and giving him treatment. Don't be alarmed if this takes awhile."

Shadow's POV

  I sighed and walked into the hospital. I walked into this room where this girl was holdin this guy's hand. She said" Please Jack. I love you." I walked closer and said" I can help. What if I told you I can make him better?" She said" Anything. What do you want in return?" I said" Nothing." I put my hands above his body and said" Mystical magic. Bubbles and supple. Fix this boy to the guy that was humble. Give him his mind and give him his cries. Let him come back alive and never be back like this again." A few minutes later I moved my hands. He opened his eyes and said" (Y/N)?! Are you okay?!" She said" Jack." She looked at me and said" Thank you so much." I nodded and walked off.

Your POV

  Jack said" I heard what you said. I love you too (Y/N). Will you be my girlfriend?" I said" Yes. I will." He smiled and stood up. He kissed me. I kissed back. He said" At least I'm wearing my clothes." I laughed and said" I'm glad your alive and awake." He said" I'm not giving up that easy." I said" I never said you was." He smiled and said" If only you knew how long I have loved you." I said" Don't worry about the past worry about the present and future. Nothing can be like the past. It can be different but still the same outcome just depends on what happened and what's happening." He said" Spoken like the queen your are. I love you." My Irish angel. I said" Wanna know what you are to me?" He nodded and I said" You are my wonderful boyfriend. You are my green haired angel and the one that I love. You made our career possible I believe we can make it and stay at the top. With you by my side nothing can stop us. Unless your a cop them yeah." He laughed and said" Your my beautiful girlfriend and I love how you act so nice to everyone even though they aren't always nice to you. I love how you always try to be nice when your going on your womanly thing. I love how you care so much about people and our fans. The fandom loves you and so do I. Mark can tell you that. I used to obsess over you. I wrote your name down when it came to Ming but it was only once because your all that was on my mind. Cliche is the most cutest things in a relationship. It's the way you get kissed, the kind of date, technically a whole relationship of love. I believe we can make it to the top also. I believe we can do it together. I believe that money isn't a problem because I work with you on songs at night and we perfecto the concert and I fake sick for my channel. I believe that your the most beautiful eat thing in the world like the sunset on a snowy day. I also think the most angelic thing is your voice." I said" Thank you Jack. I love you so much." He said" I love you too." Ashton walked in with a doctor and seen Jack awake. Jack smiled and said" Hey Ashton. Hey doc." Jack pulled me closer and said" I love you baby." I smiled and said" I love you too." Ashton said" Glad too see you awake bro. Anyway, what's going on?" Jack said" My girlfriend and I was talking before you both walked in." I said" Be nice Jack." Ashton said" Well than." Jack kissed me and I pulled away. I said" Our music brought us together." He pulled me on top of him and said" You know it. It did though. Our music brought us together."

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