Name DanTDM x reader

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Your POV

I always felt this one name that shows up in my head. I don't know who's name it is because I have never seen or met him before... I sighed and looked at Erik. Erik said" Are you okay?" I said" I'm fine.. I'm glad I get to see you again." He hugged me and I hugged back. This guy walked up. He said" Hey Erik!" Erik said" Hey! Oh, (Y/N). This is my friend. His name is Daniel Middleton." That's the name that keeps replaying in my head. What does this mean? Why is this happening? I felt somebody shake me and I see Erik is. Erik said" Are you okay? You seem more distant today." I blinked and said" I'm fine... Just thinking of something..." My dad had said that name before as well. He said his friend had a kid but was named Daniel Middleton. I sighed and my phone buzzed. I looked and seen that Marcus was gonna call me. Marcus Helm. He called me and I answered. I said" Marcus. You don't know how hard it is not being able to call you Macy for a week!" He said" That's your punishment for saying that in front of my girlfriend! You have her saying it!" I said" You'll be fine." He said" Have you met this Dan Middleton guy." I said" Yeah. Just a second ago actually. Anyway, sorry to cut this call short, I've got to go. I'm hanging out with Erik." Marcus said" Okay. I love you. Bye." I said" I love you too. Bye." I ended the call. Erik said" Who did you say I love you to? Do you have a secret boyfriend I don't know about?!" I laughed and said" Erik. It's my cousin. Marcus. He is mad because I called him Macy in front of his girlfriend. She is calling him that now." Erik laughed and said" Of course. Anyway, how is the kids?" I said" They are good. Having a bit of trouble out of Andrew though." Dan said" Your married?! You have kids?!" I said" No. They're my brothers. I've been taking care of them since he died last year." Erik said" Have you told Amelia?" I said" I can't. I don't have the heart. I keep telling her that he is at an eternal party and he can't leave." Erik said" You'll have to tell her eventually." I sighed and said" I know but I don't wanna see her cry... Andrew is..." I sighed and looked up. Tears brimmed the edges of my eyes. Erik said" It's okay. Calm down." He hugged me and rubbed circles in my back. I sighed and looked down the road. The school bus just pulled up. Andrew, Amelia, and Max got off. Amelia ran to me and so did the other too. Andrew hugged me and said" I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry aunt (Y/N). I know your going out of your way to take care of us and trying to find a guy that likes kids but we just make it harder and my attitude hasn't helped any. Any guy isn't right for you. You deserve better than some random guy." I said" They aren't random guys. I'm not your mother. Those used to be my best friend and now they've band ones me because I'm single and I have you guys but I care about you kids more." Max said" What did you do today? Who are they?" I said" My best friend Erik and his friend." Max said" Cool. DanTDM. Dan the diamond minecart!" Dan said" Your a fan of my YouTube I guess." I said" Yeah and this year, I'm taking them to the conventions." Max looked at me and said" No way!" I said" Yup. I'll give you and Andrew both one hundred dollars because I'm in the conventions this year." Max said" You never told us you was a youtuber!" I said" Well now you know." Andrew said" Foes this mean I get to finally date Jessica!" I said" Leave Jessica alone. Aphmau doesn't want to date you." He said" Sometimes you really upset me like that." I said" Your only sixteen." He said" So! Let a guy dream." I said" Let me see your arms." He showed me them and I rolled up his sleeves. He got a new tattoo. I said" Another tattoo, seriously?" He said" Yeah. This time of Starlit_Moon!" I said" Andrew. You do realize that's me, right?" He said" No way! One of my favorite YouTubers is my aunt!" Erik said" I don't ever wanna see you sad or lonely again okay. If you do feel that way, I'm living with you." Erik gave me his phone and I took his number and Dan Middleton's. I gave him his phone. I put mine in my pocket. Andrew said" We love you." I said" I love you kids too." They smiled and I said" How about we all go to the park?" Andrew said" I can't to be honest. I have to go on a date. Is that okay?" I said" Yeah. That's fine but be home before nine." He said" Okay!" He hugged me and ran. Max said" How old are you?" I said" Why does it matter?" He said" I'm supposed to write a paper on somebody who means so much to me... It's you." I said" I just turned twenty." Erik said" I feel twenty-four!" I laughed and said" That's because you are." He pushed my knee and said" I've missed this." I said" I have as well. What happened to us?" He said" We lost connection. Last we talked you was sixteen. I was twenty.. You was a minor." I said" I know. Anyway, I'm just glad that we're together now." He said" About time because I missed the girl that I fell in love with." I said" You fell in love with me?" He said" Yeah but I know you would've never dated me." I sighed and looked at my phone. My dad texted me. He said that my mom was dying. I put my hand up to my mouth and blinked. I rubbed my eyes with them again and sighed. I put my phone down and Erik said" What's wrong?!" I said" My mom is dying..." Max said" Grandma is dying!" I said" Yeah. It's okay though... I'm used to losing the people I love so dearly. I love you guys like that and I don't know what I would do if I lost one of you because if I had kids, I would consider you three as my kids." Max hugged me and I hugged back. Erik said" I'm sorry about your grandma." I looked at Erik. I said" Smooth. Really smooth Erik. Just like kids." I chuckled. Dan sat down in front of me. Erik sad" Yet your different. You aren't who you was very much." I smiled and said" Especially with the three kids it's not the same. These kids are my life. My brother was as well. Now, I'll need to clean Ty's room." I groaned and Max said" It's okay. Don't worry. I could do it." I said" Nah. Besides, we have to go to the funeral which means professor Ark needs to wait a few days for my assignments to be turned in." Max sad" You should date Tristan Ark. He does have the hots for you auntie." I said" Yet he has but to steal my heart. He can't accomplish such a stupid mission because he doesn't know the simple ways of dating a girl but I will not be the one for him. Besides, he is an apathetic to me." Erik and Max said" Apathetic?" I said" Lack of interest or low care to be honest. I'm not interested in him. He has a lack of gaming interest. I'm a gamer and his class is so boring you could fall asleep. I'd most likely fall asleep during the dates and maybe the wedding. I'd chose not to date him." Erik said" You can date Dan! You could also date me!" I felt my face go red and I felt a sharp pain in my right arm. Max stood up and went to my right arm. He grabbed my sleeve and pulled it up. He gasped and said" Aunt (Y/N)... You... You..." I looked and seen the sacred ancestral tattoo our whole family gets when they turn twenty. I said" The tattoo. It's a sacred ancestral thing. Your father had it also." Erik said" Nice! Wait... Is that a face?" I looked and seen an outline. I said" It's the outline... Wait a minute, I've had a name repeated in my head a few billion times. It was Dan's name." Erik said" Date. I've heard this before from your brother. It means it was destined!" I smiled and Dan said" I guess so. Anyway, will you be my girlfriend because you have such an amazing personality and I would only change your last name." I nodded and smiled. I said" Go ahead and change my last name."

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